How to Use Quora to Create Quality Blog Content

Quora has become the premiere online Q&A site. Its feature-rich functions allow users to ask questions targeted to industry leaders or answer those to increase your reputation. The ability to upvote great answers, downvote those that you don’t agree with, and share questions and answers on social media to boost engagement make Quora even more usable.
Given the wealth of topics asked and answered in Quora, it is also part of the blogging tools and resourcesthat you should use in writing quality content for your blog.
Instead of researching about your topic on Google, you can simply search Quora, compile the best answers, and turn it into a blog post!
Below are suggestions on how you can proceed with this.
Find questions that haven’t been answered in your niche before
Writing about a topic that has been beaten to death in your industry will not do your blog any favors. Unless the post is comprehensive and thorough, it will just become part of the same old content that’s been published ad nauseam.
While there’s nothing wrong with long-form content for your blog, you’d want to make the same impact while spending less time writing it. That said, find a question in Quora that hasn’t been tackled by your competitors yet.
This post will set you apart from all the blogs in your niche for publishing something different. Given the thousands of competitors vying for blog traffic and views, your content will give you an advantage in the hopes of getting more eyeballs to your blog, which can help you meet your online goals at a quicker rate.
The question you will search on Quora depends on the niche you’re in. But for the sake of example, you can write a post about content marketing case studies using the answers found here. If you want more people to answer the question, you can share the question on Facebook and Twitter or ask users to answer the question for you. Regarding the latter, you can ask as many users as you want depending on the number of credits you have left.
Find questions to help you write roundup posts
Roundup is a term used in blogging that compiles resources from other sites in relation to the blog’s niche. You will see these types of posts published by bloggers at the end of week to gather all the great posts that were published within that week as well. An example of this is found in Mashable’s Weekly App Roundup.
You can create roundup posts using Quora, especially if you’re listing down the best resources and tools to use within your industry. For example, this question about where to find free stock photos online can be turned into a resource post in your blog (although there have been posts that cover different sites offering free stock photos, one of which can be found here).
Ask the question you want answered for your blog
If you already have a topic in mind that hasn’t been discussed before in other blogs but no one has asked the question at Quora yet, you can start the conversation by typing the question you want answered. Once the question has been posted, you can promote the question on social media or ask industry expert to answer for you.
Once you have compiled their answers, you can either compile all the best answer in your blog post or publish a specific answer straight to your blog (if the answer is that good).
Final thoughts: Harnessing the content found in Quora can help simplify and cut down your research time and focus on writing compelling content for your blog. Following the tips above, you are sure to create morecompelling blog posts that will interest your target audience and drive more traffic to your blog.
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