69 Most Popular Blogging Blogs to Comment on or Guest Post for

One of the fastest-growing niches today without a doubt is blogging. With an impressive over 180 million blogs and still counting, the blogosphere is surely one very crucial part of the Internet.
Anybody can create a blog on Blogger or WordPress. That’s the easy part. Maintaining it is tough. Nobody seems to tell you that.
Now, blogging blogs aren’t easy to find. These are different than your typical Internet marketing sites or “make money online” blogs. Blogging blogs focus exclusively on “blogging” tips, tricks or resources, and not fluff.
Copyblogger for example is a content marketing blog, not a blogging blog. The same with social media sites. They’re not blogging blogs, period.
That’s why my effort was directed towards finding only the best sites that fit the following criteria:
They had to be updated (quite) often, and have a Page Rank of 3 or more… some blogs were good enough to fit the list even if their page rank was less!
Their posts should get an average of 10 comments… it’s important to know that readers interact and like the post, and have something to say about the topics. It helps you get ideas about potential articles you may want to publish there.
They should have an established audience (RSS subscribers, FaceBook fans or Twitter followers) of minimum 500 members combined.
*** I’ve found some blogs easily exceeding 10,000 members and receiving 50k+ monthly unique visitors. Amazing, isn’t it?
Disclaimer: if it happens to stumble upon dead or outdated links, please notify us ASAP. I did everything in my power to check all links were valid prior publishing the article.
Blogging Blogs
Here is the list. Enjoy and tell others about it:
- www.allbloggingtips.com/
- www.basicblogtips.com/
- www.beafreelanceblogger.com/
- www.bestbloggingtipsonline.com/
- www.bivori.com/
- www.blogandretire.com/blog/
- www.bloggerdoc.com/
- www.bloggerspassion.com/
- www.bloggingbasics101.com/
- www.bloggingcage.com/
- www.bloggingpro.com/
- www.bloggingtips.com/
- www.bloggingwithsuccess.net/
- www.blogingrace.com/
- www.blogherald.com/
- www.bloghover.com/
- www.blogmarketingacademy.com/blog/
- www.blogtrepreneur.com/
- www.blogussion.com/
- www.buildabetterblog.com/
- www.capturedbloggingtips.com/
- www.chrislema.com/blog/
- www.comluv.com/
- www.creativebloggers.net/blog/
- www.dailyblogtips.com/
- www.dearblogger.org/
- www.emfastincome.com/
- www.famousbloggers.net/blog
- www.guideandnews.com/
- www.hellboundbloggers.com/
- www.hotblogtips.com/
- www.iblogzone.com/
- www.imjustsharing.com/
- www.inboundpro.net/blog
- www.johnchow.com/
- www.kevinmuldoon.com/
- www.kikolani.com/
- www.letsbuildwebsites.com/
- www.myblogismymoney.com/
- www.neamatproblog.com/
- www.performancing.com/blog/
- www.problogger.net/blog
- www.probloggingsuccess.com/blog/
- www.probloggertips.com/
- www.pushingsocial.com/blog/
- www.quickonlinetips.com/
- www.reviewzntips.com/
- www.shoutmeloud.com/
- www.seoallrounder.com/blog/
- www.skyhitblog.com/
- www/simplebloggingnetwork.com/
- www.smartbloggerz.com/
- www.successfulblogging.com/
- www.successful-blog.com/
- www.thebadblogger.com/
- www.thesaleslion.com
- www.thetopblogger.com/
- www.thinktraffic.net/blog
- www.technshare.com/
- www.tipsandtricks-hq.com/
- www.topbloggingcoach.com/
- www.toughestblogger.com/
- www.weblogbetter.com/
- www.webtrafficroi.com/
- www.wellplannedweb.com/blog/
- www.wpdaily.co/
- www.wphostingdiscount.com
- www.wpmayor.com/
- www.zenspill.com/
Bonus links:
How to get the most out of this list:
#1 Get to know the audience
Blog commenting is all about learning about each blogger and their community, before you guest post to them.
What I do before I share my feedback on a particular article is nothing complicated. I ensure I read a few articles (latest 4 or 5 posts) and get a feel for the audience. I read the comments as well. I see what their issues are. What the most asked questions represent, and so forth.
Only then can I fully embark on a blog commenting trip. The majority of blogger or site owners who are dabbling with blog commenting are not serious. Their approach is half hearted, and it shows from a mile away.
You’ve seen those non relevant comments, or even worse, 2 lines of text, haven’t you? Don’t you think it sounds like spam?
#2 Guest blog
Next step after you learn about the audience and interact with site visitors in the commenting form and style, is to share your experience and knowledge in article format, also called guest posting.
Guest writing is actually the next logical step after blog commenting, an expansion of your comments. I highly recommend you…
Guest write premium content, as I like to call it. This article you’ve read so far is one example, as it’s so helpful for its audience. It saves them (lots of) time and frustration.
Do you have any other blogging related blogs to add to the list?
P.S. Not all sites publicly advertise guest posting opportunities. Thus, it’s your objective to ensure you first turn yourself into an active blog commentator and leave insightful feedback; only then can you propose a guest article, and usually be accepted.
That’s a proven technique I’m utilizing with great success.