Famous Bloggers: Nominate Your Favorite Blogs Including Yours for Media Awards

Murray Newlands and I want to personally invite bloggers writing for and reading Famous Bloggers to nominate their blogs for the first annual World Media Awards event. Nominations are now open and normally cost $45 but the first 100 bloggers who post about the event can receive a free nomination for their blog or any other blog they wish to enter.
We may be getting close to that 100 number, so contact me and I’ll make sure you receive a free nomination. Full details on how are on the enter and win page. Bloggers who write about the awards will receive links from the official site and their posts are likely to be linked to from other blog posts about the event. If you add @GrowMap to a tweet containing your link I’ll even RT it to my almost 20,000 followers on Twitter.
If you can be in San Jose, California (near San Francisco) on October 26, 2011 you may want to buy Early Bird Tickets and come and meet your fellow bloggers there. Seating is limited to 500 and Murray has 517 members in his San Francisco Blog Club Meetup so there is a real possibility the event could sell out – especially at only $50 for a full day of interactive seminars on how to use the latest technologies and techniques to maximize your publishing potential.
Save 10% off nominations and tickets and support FamousBloggers
Just Enter Discount Code FamousBloggers
You can see a list of all the categories on the category tab. (Click any link above to get there.) If the category you most want isn’t one of the choices let me know and I’ll see if I can get it added. I already added separate categories for Top SEO Blog and Top Self-Improvement / Personal Development Blog. You’d be doing us a favor pointing out any others we should cover.
Winners will be selected by some pretty famous judges including Krystyl Baldwin, Dana Oshiro, Rob Bloggeries, Steve Hall, Adrian Harris, Ivka Adam, Jeremy Wright, Sarah Austin, Chang Kim, Cheryl Contee, Dave Duarte, Tanya Alvarez, Julie Wohlberg, and Pierre Zarokian.
Oh – did I mention that eBay partner network is sponsoring the event? So are affiliate network service Trancos, Viglink which affiliate bloggers may know is an easy way to monetize your content, well known blogger Pace Lattin and yours truly.
Thanks to those sponsors and many connections there will be literally 100s of blog posts about the event driving traffic to the official site and your information and link there. You might want to become a Media Awards Ambassador for even more perks.
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