If you’re concerned about SOPA, PIPA, or ACTA, then this video is for you. Read the full story: SOPA, ACTA, and Megaupload
TED Takes on SOPA
TED has posted an “emergency” TED Talk called “Defend Our Freedom To Share (Or Why SOPA is a Bad Idea)” by Internet writer and NYU professor Clay Shirky. Read the full story: TED Takes on SOPA
The Problem with SOPA and How to Stop It
A quick review of the key problems with SOPA, with some quick and easy ways you can help the fight to prevent it from becoming law. Read the full story: The Problem with SOPA
Wikipedia Will Shut Down for 24 Hours to Protest Against SOPA
Wikipedia is going to shut down the site for 24 hours next Wednesday to protest against SOPA. Along with Reddit, Wikipedia joins huge Internet names like WordPress, Mozilla, and all of the Cheezburger properties in Wednesday’s “black out” protest. Read the full story: Protest Against SOPA