Making Money Online from Here and There

Hello bloggers, this post is to let you all know about our new Making Money Online and blogging tips rounds, we are going to pick up some of the topics that got our attention on the making money, SEO, blog promotion and blogging tips from your latest posts when you add a comment on our blog, and this is why it’s very important to add comment when you visit our blog, just think about it because you maybe get a backlink for your blog, and we often promote good articles, so you maybe the lucky one. There are some other sources that we will look for links to our rounds such as social networks and other blogs to provide quality articles that you will really like to know it exists.
How? When? What? Why?
We will promote only limited number articles every week. It’s going to be from 3 to 5 blogs, these blogs will get a backlink from our blog, submission to social bookmarks websites or votes; we will retweet your post on Twitter and share it on our Famous Bloggers Facebook fan page. Our Making Money rounds are going to be published every week, so it’s going to be weekly rounds. So stay tuned!
This post is to let you know about our coming rounds, give us a visit from time to another and add comment whenever you find something interesting here, this will let us know about your latest posts and will increase the chance to promote it.
Have a great day everybody!
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