Make More of Your Marketing

If you’re a one man or one woman show on the internet, you’re also a pretty tiny fish in a pretty large pond. The internet has afforded many people around the world the opportunity to become successful in several different ventures.
Some people have chosen the route of entertainment whereby they stream or pre-record videos of themselves sharing their opinions and thoughts on current events. One of the most famous women in the world to do this is Jenna Mourney, known to her fans as Jenna Marbles.
The most famous woman online
Starting out with a video on her thoughts about domestic violence and moving to her infamously funny video about how to trick people into thinking your attractive, Jenna Marbles is quite literally the most famous woman online.
In mere minutes, her YouTube videos go viral with her lowest viewership figures in the high millions. This is the power of the internet. But not everyone finds comfort or success in front of the camera, some prefer the magic of text and bloggers are some of the most important people in our culture. Stimulating a return to reading, bloggers use pictures and words to share their experiences as well as their thoughts and opinion on just about everything under the sun.
One particularly active sub-genre of blogging is food blogging. One of the most widely enjoyed and net-famous food bloggers is Pim Techamuanvivit. Her blog, Chez Pim is not just a visually orgasmic exploration of the food she loves but it is full of her personality, her stories, her tips and her experiences.
Chez Pim became so famous that she’s even been invited to contribute to other blogs, has her own YouTube videos and even made the move to contributing to food television spots too!
This is the power of the internet. While you may not be a food blogger or even just a funny guy or gal, if you want to be famous online you’ll need to decide the best way to market yourself. We’re not talking about people with something to sell other than their personalities because in essence, that’s what’s being sold here.
Everyone has recipes. Everyone has tips. Everyone is selling something. But what will set you apart is your personality, how different you are, how consistent you are and how well you are marketed.
Reputation Management is a terrific website that boasts tools that can help you in your quest to develop an all encompassing marketing strategy. The tools that they possess fall into a category known as reputation management. Why is this important? Even those of us who basically live online, still want to retain some privacy and autonomy in our lives. But this is truly a challenge the minute you put yourself online.
Overzealous fans and malicious miscreants have no problems hunting down and seeking out your most personal information. With reputation management as a part of your marketing strategy, you can look forward to great control over your image and information while still being as far-reaching as you want!
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