The Mad SEO Scientist Guest Blogging Contest

How does winning $1,000 sound to you? Submitting a great guest blog could be your ticket to a cool g.
To help celebrate the launch of, a global search & social community, bloggers are encouraged to submit their latest and greatest industry post to run on the blog.
If you are interested in participating in this contest be sure to go back and read the official post to make sure you understand all the rules and details.
The contest runs until March 5th, 2012 and it’s recommended that you submit your post soon – to ensure you have enough time to promote the post. You’ll be judged on the quality of your content. Tie breakers will be judged by traffic, mentions and more (similar rules to other guest blogging contest rules).
The day your post runs, they ask that you help promote your post and also use it as an opportunity thank sponsors by including their logos and links on your blog.
The Mad SEO Scientist Guest Blogging Contest
Not sure what to write your post on? The range of potential topics is pretty wide. From link building and social media to SEO and PPC, you can choose to expand on a topic that you think has the potential to win. Past winning posts include:
- How to Optimize 7 Popular Social Media Profiles for SEO by Kristi Hines
- 7 Practices for Bloggers to Build Trust From Readers by Lee Ka Hoong
- Why You Should Blog Drunk by Jennifer Van Iderstyne
So what are you waiting for? Submit your post today
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