Good Guys at Google Offer Grants for Non-Profits

Although much has been written over the years about Google Grants, it is always good to stop and address the program again and give a big ”two thumbs up” to Google for their efforts in this worthwhile program. The good guys over at Google are still spreading the ”love” with Google Grants, an in-kind advertising option for charitable and non-profit organizations. This program from Google offers select organizations free sponsored links, which are ads that appear to the right of some search results page based on keywords that were entered into the search box on Google. And while Google does not accept unsolicited requests for donations from any charity or organization (but does make many donations to those charities and non-profits that it selects) all U.S. organizations that have 501(c)(3) status can apply for Google Grants. Google has even set up an online form that makes the application process easy and streamlined.
No Better Time for Google Grants
With the economy in a continued state of uproar and unrest, Google Grants have been a saving grace for many charitable organizations that often have to put things like advertising on the back burner in order to fund other needs. Google Grants has allowed many charities to continue to spread the word about their organizations at no cost – which, for some organizations, can make all the difference in the world. Organizations like Second Harvest, Make-a-Wish Foundation, and others have all been helped through Google Grants.
Three Month Grants
Google has been handing out these awards since 2003, and allows non-profits and charities the benefits of their services for three months, although many stay in the program for an additional period of time. Four out of five non-profits that apply for Google Grants are approved. Google Grants awardees are asked to familiarize themselves with Google AdWords guidelines and to submit a list of keywords that will help Google serve their ads on appropriate pages. The organization also provides the ad copy. When applying, the organization is asked to provide a statement about how program participation will advance the ideas of their organization. Google has also set up a page that advises participants on how to select the best keywords and on writing engaging ad copy. Grant recipients can use their free credits to generate traffic to their websites, raise awareness about a particular issue, or to reach out to new benefactors, volunteers and donors. The amount of most Google grants is $10,000 monthly.
Who Is Not Eligible?
Organizations who do not have 501(c)(3) status are not eligible for Google Grants. Organizations who are already participants in the Google AdSense program are also ineligible, as are those that are either political or religious in nature, and they can not be winners award, or organizations whose primary focus is on lobbying for policy or political changes. Google does reserve the right to award advertising or deny advertising via Google Grants at its own discretion.
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