Why Choose an Online Freelance Writing Career

If you have Internet access, are free most of the day and possess the quality that it takes to be a writer – then maybe you might want to consider a career of online freelance writing. Although for some, writing as a way of living might not be that ideal- there are, however, a lot of undeniable advantages that freelance writing has that most of the regular 9-5 office jobs simply don’t.
Advantages of Online Freelance Writing
Here are some of them:
- With freelance writing, you work on your own schedule. You can set your own hours and the number of hours that you want to work. You do not need to answer to anyone regarding your time in or out. You get to choose the jobs that you want or the topics that you are most comfortable in writing about. In other words, when you are a freelance writer, you are basically the master of yourself.
- You have a flexible time of work. Sometimes, your working time as a freelance writer would be based on your employers, who is usually someone on a different time zone. However, the most common privilege give to writers is working at the most convenient time.Of course, there are also cases when employers would ask you to work 8 hrs a day or more. But, mostly, employers only check the output of the job regardless if you can finish the job in 5 hours or 12 hours.
- Since Internet access is practically everywhere- then as a freelance writer, you can work almost everywhere. There are even others who would work while mobile, like in the car, in the boat or even on the train. With this advantage you can convert a lot of your free time to your working time – which means you’re earning even while traveling!
- You can start working with very minimal capital. All you need is your personal computer with an Internet connection and you’re good to go – making it a cheap and cost effective career.
- You are given the opportunity to increase your networks, here and abroad. There are instances that people from other continents are in need of your services, and you also get to communicate with fellow writers abroad. It is these fellow article writers and previous employers who can help you get more projects based on their referrals and recommendations.
- Online Freelance writing is also a good way of improving not only your basic writing skills but other skills as well. SEO article writing and even article spinning tasks are just some examples of how writing has evolved in the past few years.Another Advantage is that since you will be given random topics daily or weekly depending on the need of the employer, you will be doing a lot of reading and research on different topics – and this can help you gain additional knowledge on many things.
- You have the freedom to choose your working environment when you choose an online writing career – meaning, one that will suit your mood and style. If you want to work in a calm and serene environment you can do so. If you want to you can work from your apartment room or at home, or from a coffee shop or your favorite restaurant. Having this freedom to choose cuts the cost and the hassles of traffic and the expenses of traveling to and from the office.When you’re working at home you don’t have to dress fancy, which means that you can wear casual comfortable clothing. And if you smoke – then you can freely smoke while working at home. Of course, sustaining the
no smoking policy at home will always be the better choice. - You can also decide how much your income is. You can actually bargain with regards the hourly, weekly or monthly rates that you can ask from employers, to one that you think is worthy of your time and work. It also gives you the autonomy of accepting offers and declining offers from potential employers.
With the massive unemployment that is happening nowadays, you might want to consider a career of online freelance writing.
If you think that you have moderate to average reading, typing and writing skills – then a freelance writing career just might help you.
This is actually a very fun and exciting career that has some perks that you are bound to enjoy.
So, go online and check for websites that hire writers – and start working to earn!
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