The FollowFriday Helper App makes it easy to Recommend Twitter Followers

I mostly don’t schedule my posts, and this is why Friday makes me wake up early to write my #FF post, I am a post it on-live guy. This week I am going to introduce a nice tool you can use on Fridays while deciding who you are going to promote on the #FollowFriday on Twitter, but first let me recommend those guys for you, there are the most active on Twitter from my followers.
This is really the hard part, but today it was much more easy to be done even when I am still not a wake %100, so thanks to the Follow Friday Helper!
FollowFriday Recommendation

@kikolani (Kristi Hines)
Bio: Internet Marketing Specialist with Vertical Measures, blogger, social media enthusiast, photographer, tennis player, and all around girl geek!
URL: How to blog

@johnaguiar (John Paul Aguiar
Bio: I’m a Blogger – Internet Entrepreneur – Social Media Believer – Kidney Transplant Rec 05/02/2002 – Transparent and Honest – Hustle To Succeed!…The End!
URL: Blogs that make money

@sweetsfoods (sweetsfoods)
Bio: I’m a Foodie & Food Blogger, blog also about Social Media and Health & Fitness. Runner & Biker. I like too Internet Marketing, Photos..better Follow Me!
URL: Sweets Foods

@the_gman (Gerald Weber)
Bio: Houston SEO/SEM Guy – Blogger – Friend – Lover – Skydiver – Entrepreneur – Ass Kicker Extraordinaire & Founder Of Search Engine Marketing Group.
URL: Houston SEO

@element321 (Element321)
Bio: Novice Web Design and SEO Consultant. I also enjoy organic gardening as one of my hobbies.
URL: Evolutionary Designs

@gupshupblog (Sunil Jain)
Bio: Follow me only if you are a BLOGGER 🙂 🙂 🙂
URL: Tech 18
If you are not listed here, then that means Follow Friday Helper didn’t show you on the first page, and those people above is more active on promoting me and retweeting my tweets on Twitter than you 🙂 .. well, I didn’t say that, but this is what Follow Friday Helper says, I am sure that so many of you won’t do it and recommend their followers because it’s boring and takes time, so… I suggest you give this app a try today, it’s really easy to use and make the #FollowFriday easy job!
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