Where to Find Your Blogging Friends

There was a saying that states like this, “Tell me who your friends are, and I will tell you who you are!”.
Now, what does this means?
Knowing our friends is just like knowing ourselves, let’s say, if your friends are scum then you are a scum too, but if your friends are good they will judge you as a good individual also. Great! let’s relate this to blogging and see how this can be applied on the blogosphere and what’s the relationship here.
How this relate to blogging?
Well, if you have many blogging guru friends then your readers or viewers will judge you that you also hold such good reputation. Then you will also receive the same respect what your friends have got. But in the other hand, it’s a hard thing to find who to make friends with in your related niche you cover. My suggestions might solve your problem. Please read more until the end as I share to you some tips and hints to find those people who we want to be our blogging friends.
1. Search in Google.
As we all that google is a great search engine and also have the list of blogs that are related to your niche. To begin with, go to blogsearch.google.com and type the niche keyword you are in. After you press enter, the list of potential blogs that is related to your niche is now in front of you.
Next thing to do is visit some of those blogs and start participating their conversation through commenting. Do your best strategy to get notice by the author and its readers of the blog and make friends with them.
2. Subscribe to google alerts.
Google alerts is also source of gathering blogs related to your niche. They provide you the list of new updated blog related to your niche. To do this, go to Google Alerts and put the search keyword term that you want to subscribe. You have also the options how often you will receive the blog updates right in your email inbox.
3. Join forums.
Many bloggers have said that forums is a good source for traffic to your blog. But for me, it is also a good source of making friends with like – minded people. Join 1 – 2 forums related to your niche and start building your credibility through sharing or helping other members of the forums. For starters, find groups or discussions then try participate their conversations effectively.
4. Join Blog Engage.
As what blogengage admin (briann) have describe, Blog Engage allows you to submit your Blog Article(s) that will be reviewed by all and will be promoted by the admin or the visitors to the main page.
Joining groups is a good way to communicate with others, gather traffic and votes. To be able your post will be posted on the main page, submit your post in some low vote required groups. I would recommend 2 groups that you must join, the famous blogger club and young entrepreneurs club.
5. Join Blog Catalog and My Blog Log.
BlogCatalog and MyBlogLog is just like a blog directory and a forum where you submit your blogs and rank its popularity through its views. The good thing is that, many members here are often communicating each other through different discussions and private messages.
To find your blogging friends here, you can search the niche keyword you are in and the list of blogs will show up in front of you. You can also join groups and participate their conversations.
Warning! Don’t be tempted of doing exchange adsense click with other members here or you might be banned.
My words
The above tips is I think will work for you depending how motivated you are, in order to build your authority in your niche from the help of your friends. Don’t be discourage if they will reject you but instead show them that you are worth to be their friends.
If you find that there are things that I missed from this post or something that you could add, please do comments below.
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