Are You Just Another Dumb Blogger? @FoxNews Might Think So!

Have you ever stopped and thought about what people outside of the blogging world might think about you and what you are doing online? As bloggers ourselves we understand that power and influence that we have online, and some of us have even built profitable brands and businesses out of what we have accomplished online. However it’s important to remember that we are just a speck of sand compared to the outside world who is used to working for the man and running 9 to 5 jobs.
So the question is…
What do NON bloggers and internet users think of bloggers?
It’s an interesting question to ask ourselves. When is the last time you ask someone what they did for a job? In most cases you probably have an idea of what their do and maybe even how their day to day operations take place. Now flip sides and think about all the time someone asked what you do, then you go on to talk about blogging and internet marketing… most times they will have no idea what you are talking about.
P.S. please wait a few seconds to pass the silly ads!
Last week I had the privileged of speaking at BlogWorld in New York City. This was the fifth time I’ve spoke at BlogWorld and it’s definitely one of my favorite events to attend. It’s more than just blogging, and it also brings in a whole new world of attendees and speakers together. I was also fortunate enough to catch up with Fox News on the exhibit floor and do an interview with them, which aired earlier this week on The O’Reilly Factor on Fox News network.
Fox News went on to interview a few attendees and exhibitors at the event, then they put together a fun little sketch for the show. Instead of focusing on the benefits of what BlogWorld has accomplished over the years, and the potential in making a side income and business through internet marketing and blogging, they decided to “spin” the story in a slightly different direction.
While being interviewed I was asked a multitude of questions, everything from blogging, to making money online, how technology will influence us in the future and of course politics. I know I have legitimate answers to all of my questions, and I’m sure others did as well, however Fox News made a spin out of it that bloggers were more of the basement dwelling people who have no knowledge of the world around them.
Going back to our original question… as a blogger what experiences have you had with talking to people outside of the internet world and getting their reactions to what they believe blogging and internet marketing really is?
It was awesome to be interviewed by Fox News and get exposure on national television again, and I truly appreciate it! I really would have just liked to see blogging and BlogWorld placed in a better light. If you feel the same way, be sure to visit the Fox News web site and watch the full video, then shoot Bill O’Reilly an email at and let him know they missed out on a great opportunity to make a positive and influential story for their audience, instead of just a humorous segment that will be forgotten by the average viewer.
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