How to Make Money from ComLuv Social Network

Andy of has a very interesting community for bloggers around his magnificent WordPress plugin, I believe that CommentLuv is getting the attention of more bloggers every day, and you are probably one of them and your blog has commentLuv enabled like Famous Bloggers blog, plz read this post and enjoy every word of it from a fan and a supporter of CommentLuv and ComLuv, this is another personal experience of mine, something that I believe is good happens with me and I want to share with you, maybe you can earn some money from it, or at least pay back to a guy who spread the love allover the internet from a blog to another by his awesome and amazing plugin.
Are we giving enough love to CommentLuv?!
Maybe you will say we are doing great, we are using this plugin on our blogs, but do you think this is enough?! what I think is we are not giving enough love to the plugin that gives our blogs all the possible love, we are not giving back to this Andy what he relay deserves from us. so Let;s see what Andy was doing for the last a few months and maybe some of us don’t know about this hard work!
How I made Money from ComLuv affiliate program?
This is the exciting part, I am going to tell you the story in short, I am a simple guy who owns a blog and using CommentLuv enabled. one day I heard about ComLuv, and I went to check it out, and I found a new installation of WordPress MU, that was Andy’s idea, so I was the first person who write about it (you can check it just by searching the terms Comluv and you will find my personal blog on the first page of Google Search results). So I took the advantage of creating a couple of sub domains on ComLuv Andy said I should create my sub domain names now before someone else do, so I create a couple of sub domains on ComLuv.
One of these sub domain names is Traffic which is the reason behind this post, I am not sure what I am going to do with it, but I own a blog on that sub domain, and this is a fact!
A few days later I found a post on ComLuv talking about How to make money from my ComLuv blog, so I read it and I did exactly what is says, the only mistake I did was not updating this blog often, it only has one poor post with a few words telling people about ComLuv and what they can do by having a free blog on it, and refer others to buy a premium templates or plugins and advertising on ComLuv, it’s under the title”How to Turn Comments into Blog Traffic”, I knew that I will get a commission into your account every single time that member pays, for the life of the member.
Basically there is two ways to make money from ComLuv that I know at the mean time, the first one is Google AdSense share revenue, and the other Killer one is the CumLuv Affiliate program, Andy talked about an affiliate referral code and other new updates to ComLuv that amazed me, and I participate on it.
I have received my first earnings from ComLuv by PayPal!
the powerful affiliate referral code was somewhere on a blog of mine, and Andy says it’s now more powerful, I can now refer new members to ComLuv and when they sign up, they’ll be assigned as my members. I’m able now to see who I’ve referred in my blog dashboard which is amazing.
Two days back I got a notification from PayPal telling me that I received some money from ComLuv, that was October payment, I have succeeded to refer members who purchased services on ComLuv, or pay to remove the advertisements from their blogs by being a supporter of ComLuv Network and this is why I got a commission into my account.
This story is to let you know that sometimes we do a very small things that bring us big benefits, and we don’t know that this is going to happen this way, I mean who can imagine that with this small effort of mine to create a fast and free blog I will be earning from it?! It’s maybe a matter of being the first!
Here is a very nice interview with Andy at Manchester the place he used to work in during his visit for a little chat about his successful plugin and network, plz enjoy it.
If you visit ComLuv and Andy’s blog and I am sure you will do, plz give a comment or opinion, or at least thank him for his efforts, he is a very nice guy, he came before to comment on my blogs on some posts I was talking about CommenLuv and explaining to my bloggers friends why I am using it and why they should use it as source of communication and traffic.
I didn’t contact Andy yet or congratulate him for his great work, but I decide to see some of your awesome comment before I do!
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