My Only Choice Was to Succeed! What Have You Done?

I never thought that 2011 will bring much success into my life, but it surely did! Probably because there was a plan to achieve, and there were goals to reach. I am so proud of what I’ve done so far, however I feel I’ve could done more with some little tweaks in my plan, but it’s all good, and I am really happy to achieve my blogging goals, even tough I didn’t have a plan B.
My only choice was to succeed! Period!
Today, my friend, my blog reader, and my fellow blogger, I want to share the success that you have been always part of it!
Tow years ago, I haven’t got many choices, I had to leave!
There where some success in the past, it wasn’t my own creation though, that’s why I left my country in a try to find my own success, I left my childhood dreams and almost everything else behind.
Today, and after long nights, and hard work, my business is paying off. My people think that I did good so far, they see me heading to the right direction, I do good business, I earn my living from what I do, this makes me more happy! Actually no one believes that I’ve made more than 50,000 this year blogging on my sofa and watching TV. which is really cool for someone who has just started, the only problem I have to deal with is my Income Taxes, so wish me good luck with that, I am not prepared for any painful truth!
Anyways, to me… It’s not only about money, I’ve earned what is more valuable than money, it’s my great friendship that I’ve made in the last couple of years with people who I really appreciate.
My Blogging Goals for 2012
- Find a way to make a better blog.
- Grow my design business.
- Develop more awesome stuff!
- Break the wall of $100,000 / year.
- Get a new sofa 🙂
That’s my business and blogging goals for the coming year, maybe it looks simple, maybe it’s a way complicated than it looks like, I really don’t know! But the only thing I am sure of is, success requires hard work and passion, and I’ve got what it takes.
My Advice for Bloggers in 2012
- Be helpful, supportive and nice!
- Don’t be random, get yourself a plan!
- Make plan B part of plan A
Alright, instead of contacting 100 blogger and ask them about their blogging goals for 2012 and publish their replies in a big fat ass blog post, I thought to just publish this short and sweet post to share my goals and my advice, and get to know yours. The goal of this post is to have a little chat together, so you don’t have to complicate things, just add a simple list of your blogging and business goals, and let others know how you did last year. I would appreciate if you give advice based on the experience you’ve got by running your own blogging business.
So here I am.. Asking you directly, what’s your goals for 2012? And what you advice others who are starting!
Happy New Year, and more power to you and your business in 2012!
Maybe next year we will all come by this post and say : Yes! We did it 🙂
Thank you so very much for being here.
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