To Blog or Not to Blog for Your Business Website

Why every business (including yours) should have a blog? Not to sound too cliché, but that really is the question that businesses should be asking themselves. To the educated blogger – we all know that although blogging started out as an online journal for many writers, it has since developed and continues to develop into a huge and powerful marketing tool for many businesses across the globe.
Surprisingly however, many businesses today have yet to understand the critical importance of a blog. For some businesses, they find no purpose of owning one, and for others it may be a complete lack of understanding the blogospheric evolution which has taken place over the last half decade.
If you are unsure if you should start a blog for your business, ask yourself these questions:
- Do you sell anything? Whether you sell binoculars or bird watching or unified communications phone systems, it doesn’t matter. If you sell anything – a blog can benefit you. I’ll explain further down.
- Are you knowledgeable about your line of business? For example, if you have tips that you can share with others which would help them determine what kind of phone service is right for them – a blog can help you.
- Do you think you have to pay for a blog? If the answer is yes, I’m very happy to tell you that you are wrong. Blog platforms such as WordPress, Joomla or Drupal are free. If you want custom work done – then it may cost you, but creating and using a blog can frequently be set up at no cost. Do not let this hold you back from starting a blog.
Every business can benefit from a blog and here are two main reasons why and how:
A Blog Adds Value
Blogs can bring a lot of value to your business. To address this point, let’s determine what value is within this context. For business, value is something that a consumer or visitor to your site will gain or experience and walk away with. If you are a Microsoft Lync Certified Sip Provider your blog could talk about the features and benefits of voip. The greater the value, the more something is worth. Therefore, the more value you can bring to your business website the more people will appreciate what it is worth.
Here is a practical example: If you sell sneakers online, you might assume that those who come to your site already know exactly what they are looking for. But since you are in the shoe industry, odds are you know more about shoes than your customer.
For example, you know what types of running shoes are best for people with high arches or those who have no arches. You know which types of shoes are best for people who are on their feet a lot – such as waiters or retail store clerks. You know these things – your customers may not. Therefore, it’s up to you to educate them and this can be done through your blog.
One way to figure out how to add value to a blog is to think of questions which are frequently asked about regarding your products. So if you sell sneakers, people may ask, what is the best kind of shoe for long distance cross country runners? That question can give birth to a beautiful 400 word blog post that will get ranked, and will appear when people do a search using that question (assuming it isn’t highly competitive).
Your Blog can Bring in Sales
There is a catch – depending on how your blog is used, this may not guarantee fast and immediate sales. Let me explain. Using the sneaker example above, suppose you do write that post explaining why the XYZ shoe is best for long distance runners. When someone searches on that topic and Google or whichever search engine, pulls up that particular blog post about running shoes– the customer learns what kind of shoes they should purchase.
Now it’s your turn to point them in the right direction. This is where the marketing and sales merge. Throughout the post, strategically place links to point the visitor to your purchase item page. If you take phone orders, make sure to include the Sales Hotline number so they can call if they prefer to speak to a representative.
Not only has your blog added value to your company by answering questions from potential consumers, but it has also provided a new way to turn those visitors into actual customers.
Having a blog for your business can benefit you and your business, but learning how to use your blog strategically in regards to content is what makes the difference between a success and a failure. Take the time to do it right, and you will reap the rewards over time.
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