What are the Elements of Successful Bloggers?

Are you a successful blogger? Successful bloggers have some great characteristics that follow them from the start even to the end of their blogging career.
So, lets talk a little bit about the elements of any successful blogger, I hope this can be helpful to you and we can have a good discussion, and here you opinion as well, it’s so important to give and take.
I believe if we can apply those elements properly and effectively the result will be awesome.
The following points are what I could imagine so far:
Passion is a great element of successful blogging
Just take a look at them, anywhere in the world they might be. Is it Steve Pavlina? Or maybe Darren Rowse? What of Brain Clark? Just tell me their names and I will tell you that as long as they are successful, they are passionate doing what they are doing. Passion is a great element of successful blogging and I so far doubt if you can really be successful without you having passion on the subject you blog about. You must have passion to an authority blogger in your niche, passion helps you overcome every distractions and keeps you focus on the ultimate goal. Passion helps you overlook the fact that you got no visit to your blog yesterday, passion helps you overlook the fact you haven’t got any comment on your blog for some weeks now! Passion helps you do what you know how to do best because even if there is no benefit attached you will still be doing it.
Passion is not enough in this blogging world
Hardwork: You might have the strongest passion about a subject on the planet earth but let me tell you something, you can never be successful except you work hard, especially in this blogging world. There are several other people giving great value in the subject you have passion about, you need to put in some strong efforts in order to be able to outrank them. Even though there is no competition in the blogging world, sooner or later… only the hardworking will survive.
Great Bloggers never give up
Persistency: You might have heard it or maybe you haven’t… success doesn’t come overnight, you have to put in some efforts, and you have to wait patiently for the result of the efforts you put in. If every thing just seems not to be working, keep on trying and very soon (if truly you are on the right path) you will have the expected result. It might seem your efforts is just being wasted, every great blogger faced the same thing as you. This is part of their elements, you just have to be persistent, seek and seek and seek until you find it, you just cannot afford to give up.
Dedication towards providing value
Every successful bloggers are dedicated, they are dedicated towards providing value in their own unique way, they are dedicated towards helping others succeed, but let me ask you, what is your dedication? Are you dedicated towards reaping people off their hard earned cash without providing them with any unique value? I am sorry, it can’t work like that, gone are the days when people pour out their money on anything buyable on the internet, making money online is now a matter of trust… you have to gain it from your readers by being dedicated to their success.
Do you have integrity?
Let me ask you, do you have integrity? Or maybe you have sold yours for some measly bucks. You have to be a man of integrity to be successful online, you have to gain the trust of your readers. Your readers must be able to say, I trust him, he can never do this. You might not have this yet, but work towards it because it is a key element to blogging success.
The pros might not tell you the secret, but this is it in your hands, are you also going to handle it with levity or you will leverage it to your success?
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