Famous Bloggers

How to Network Like a Web Warrior !

networking hand

Great content, good design and lots of value – yeah, yeah, we know it’s essential.

But building connections is still the alpha and the omega of spreading your brand, just like in the offline world (it does still exist!)

Who you know is more important than what you know!

Average bloggers with average content can still rule the scene if they’re tight with top-influencers.

Now I know you have brilliant content, otherwise you wouldn’t read THIS blog, right ?

So, do yourself a favor, boost those networking skills and let people know why they absolutely HAVE to find (and read) your blog !

A Web Warrior can’t make it on his own; he needs his fellow crusaders to dominate the digital webspace !

Choose your favorite social media weapon, and start crusading. These tips will help you.

Network smartly

I’d luv to network with EVERYONE, but let’s face it – we only have this lifetime, and it must be spend wisely. Create your own Twitter group, select your 30-60 most favorite bloggers and start focusing 80 % of your Twitter time ON THEM.

I use Tweetdeck for that, choose whatever software you want.

Connect by showing gratitude

No matter, everyone still wants (and needs) links for spreading. If you appreciate them, show it by featuring their blog on your posts. And don’t forget – send them a trackback. After all, you want them to know who’s promoting their message, right ?

Nobody is out of your league

Hard to swallow, but easy to digest once you understand this. Want to network with the A-league ? Find people in the B or C league who know them, and work your way up. This sounds a bit calculating, but as long as you’re interested in building genuine relationships , it’s a go-go. Social media has destroyed the barriers between you and the “top”. By providing hungry interest and kick-ass value, you can connect with EVERYONE over time.

Be a persistent web warrior

It may take some time to have conversations with the top bloggers. I used to send out tweets for several weeks without ever getting a response from them, but then suddenly, they started to follow me on Twitter, and even better – we started having conversations.

Soo, don’t give up when people don’t respond to you immediately – they want to separate the real interested bloggers from all the noise. Good things CAN take time, but with genuine efforts, you get there, I know you will.

They come first, you second

And yeah, guilty as charged !! In the beginning, I only used to promote my own stuff, and that’s really a sad, sad statement about yourself – isn’t your content good enough for others to promote it ?

If you really want to become a networking Maverick – then shift your focus. Promote other people’s stuff – especially if it’s valuable to your followers. I personally inhale the following ratio: Promote 90% other stuff, 10% my own. Works brilliantly. Try it yourself.

That’s it folks – buckle up and go wild

Remember – fun should be at the core of it – like the oxygen you can’t live without. If some of these “tactics” seem like unpleasant work to you, then drop them, they are useless to you. Invent your own and network like a Web Warrior !

What are your tactics, and do YOU have better ones ?

I want to hear them – ALL of them !

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