Famous Bloggers

3 Powerful Promotion Strategies to Instantly Increase Blog Traffic!

Content Promotion Strategies

Every blogger and affiliates knows that, if you want to gain more traffic to your blog what you need is quality content that will make your visitors come back to your site. Since Google updated their panda system, article marketing took a different change. Now article marketing can make or break your success in gaining more traffic.

The debate around content marketing is very interesting. This is because some marketers argue that web content is dead and others suggests it’s still a powerful strategy in driving hordes of traffic. From my own experience it depends how you use it and how you implement it. In this article I will discuss how you can approach article marketing with a positive mind and end up driving quality and highly targeted traffic.

Below are some hot tips in driving highly targeted traffic with the help of a top notch web content.

(1) Keyword research

Before thinking of writing your article, you need to do keyword research, this is because it will guide you on how to select the best profitable market that you can take advantage of. Without conducting keyword research, I can assure you that you won’t be successful…no debate about it.

Below are some features that you should consider when doing keyword research.

(2) Article writing

Once you have identified your best keyword, now you need to sit down and write your content that will attract traffic. To produce a killer article I would encourage you that you start writing your content in the MORNING this is because fresh ideas normally come in the morning hours. Let’s discuss how you can approach article writing for better results.

– Outsourcing

If you are not able to write, I would encourage you to outsource your content writing to content writers or ghost writers. Before you outsource your work make sure to review the services of your article writers, as this will help you gauge the quality of the article writer. When you outsource your work, make sure to provide all the requirements and details so that you can get the best quality.

-Do it Yourself

Do it yourself is a challenging task to new bloggers and affiliate marketers. To be successful in the said approach you need to brainstorm your niche market so that you can come up with better ideas that can flow when you write. When you do it yourself, make sure to start your writing task in the morning hours so that you can provide a quality article.
This is how you should approach content writing;

When you implement the above tips in your marketing efforts, I can assure you that you will start to increase traffic to your blog.

(3) Content Promotion

Once you have written your article, I would recommend that you post your article to your blog. After you have posted your content now it’s time to promote it so that it can gain more exposure and attract search engines robots.

Below are some methods that you should use when promoting your pillar article.

The above four methods can really transform your content promotion and in-turn bring more traffic to your blog. What I have discussed in this article, is what I am currently using  in my blog. If you want to increase your blog traffic from search engines, I would encourage that you write a pillar article that will attract free traffic from the major search engines. Higher rankings bring more online visitors or heavy internet traffic that can be converted into potential leads.

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