Famous Bloggers

Who are the True Affiliate Marketers

affiliate marketers

There are, in the world of Internet Marketing, 2 core groups of Affiliate Marketers. One is the type who recommends you affiliate products that you can place in your blog or sites so he can make his money from the referral fees. They seldom sell any of the affiliate products themselves. Within this particular type group, they are again separated into 2 different types. One will be the guy who tries to convince you to stick everything under the sun into your blog. They seldom do any research to find out if the product is worth promoting or otherwise. All they want is for people to sign up and as long as he makes his referral fees, he will be happy.

The other type group is the one who takes the trouble to find out the true value of the product before they make any recommendations. They are a little bit more ethical and responsible and not totally blinded by the color of money. Both these core groups seldom or never sells any actual affiliate products in their sites or blogs. Their main source of income are the referral fees they get when their readers signs up through their referral links.

They are called Referral Marketers

This method of affiliate marketing, which I prefer to call “referral marketing”, can be quite lucrative. Some networks pays quite handsomely for new sign-ups. Though some will only pay when the new sign-up makes their first sale, there are also many which many which pays immediately as soon as a new sign up is approved. A fine example is Text link Ads, the giant link broker. Their referral fees is $25 per sign up and there are many others which pays no less.

Suffice to say, to make good in this area, you need to have a high traffic volume blog with thousands of affiliate marketer wannabes reading and waiting for the next new products to promote. If they are big names and have a huge following, Internet Marketers actually pay these “referral marketers” to review their products so they can get lots of affiliates signing up to sell their products for them.

We are the true Affiliate Marketers

The thousands of affiliate marketer wannabes who are following the blog of these “referral marketers” makes up the other core group of affiliate marketers. They will usually consist of people like you and me and they make up the biggest type group of affiliate marketers. Everyone who has a blog and who has the desire to make some money from their blogs will insert more then a couple of banners promoting one affiliate product or another. We thus, can be considered as the true affiliate marketer.

However, there is a problem. Referral Marketers, the guys whom we depend on to find new money making affiliate products will tell you that X products is a good product to sell and you will be making XX dollars if you can sell one a day. That is the obvious part of the whole truth. The fact is, in many cases, most will not even sell one in 3 months, lest in a day.

What Contributes To A Sale

The most important factor to consider before blindly promoting any products under the sun as recommended by our referral marketer friend is to ask ourselves. “What is our blog about.”

Lots of people gets the impression that as long as they got the traffic, they will be able to sell whatever. You can have 5 thousand people coming daily to read about your personal sex live, but if you insert a banner promoting WordPress Themes, believe me, you will starve.

On the other hand, if you have a blog that writes about WordPress Themes Customizations or tips but has only 300+ daily visitors, believe me yet again, you WILL sell at least ten themes a month.

If you haven’t heard already, that 300+ is called targeted traffic and targeted traffic is the key to making online money.

Consider Also The Conversion Rate

Making online money with affiliate products, because it pay per sale, has a much lower conversion rate than making money through pay per click like Adsense. To get people to part with their cash so that you can make yours as not easy as simple getting people to click for free. A conversion rate of 0.5 to 1 percent is the accepted standard for affiliate marketers. That is to say, for every 10,000 monthly visitors, expect not more than 10 sales. That is considered good. Of course some have claimed much higher success rate, but I am taking my experience as a benchmark.

Thus if your blog receives less than 10,000 unique and targeted traffic per month, which relates to the product you are promoting, expect no sales in a month. Of course you will still sell something even if your blog gets 1000 uniques a month. Use the 6 to 10 months expectation period instead, by which time you would already have given up and whining away about the poor or no sales.

Image Credit: winner

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