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Save Money & Time By Learning To Avoid Newbie Traps

Newbie Traps

As you all should probably know the internet marketing world is filled with bad, crappy and useless products. It is sad but it is the truth and the sooner you understand it, the better you will be.

What I am going to share with you in this article is from my own personal experience. I am one of the most trigger happy people I know when it comes to giving away my credit card information and buying products so I know what I am saying as I wasted a lot of money and a lot of valuable time buying bad products.

It took me sometime to get rid of this nasty habit and once I did, I actually started succeeding and making money instead of going from one product to the next waiting and hoping for something that will never come.

Clear Newbie Trap Giveaways

Here are the clear newbie trap giveaways as I learned and I always look at every product and each sales page I see and check for all of these.

Looks Too Good To Be True

Guess what, it probably is. If you are getting the feeling that the product is simply too good to be true, than it is a clear red signal for you as it probably is too good to be true.

Too General

If the product is too general and only about “how to make money online” than be warned. The more specific the product is going to be the better chances for it to be a good and helpful product.

No Info About The Actual Product

Many newbie trap products sales pages are all about emphasizing what the product is NOT and don’t give any information about what the product actually IS. This is a clear warning for you as there is a probably good reason for the creator to focus on what the product is not than to tell you what it actually is.

False Scarcity

Many newbie trap products tend to use false scarcity as they claim to only sell 250, 300 copies. The thing is how do you know when the numbers are false? It is pretty easy actually. Just do the math, if someone is selling a product for $37-$77 and claims only to sell 250-300 copies than it means he is only looking to bank $9,000-$23,000 and that is without paying any commissions to affiliates. When you see these numbers you can be sure it is false scarcity.

You can also signup as an affiliate as almost all of these products will have a link on the footer for affiliates. Doing so will allow you to see the prizes that are being offered to the top affiliates and when you will see that first place get $5,000 than you will soon realize that there is no way they are only going to sell 250 or 300 copies.

False Results

I seriously doubt that any product will allow you to bank $30,000-$120,000 within 30 days as most of the newbie trap products claim with very big red titles. Whenever you see these type of big numbers be warned. There is no get rich quick product out there so stop looking for one. Actually, most product that are being presented as “Get Rich Quick” are only working for the product creator and for the buyers they are more close to “Lose Money & Time Fast”.

If You Are Still Not Sure

If you checked all of the above and you are still not sure and your finger is still itching and you want to get the product than please do the following before you buy as it can really save you money and time.

Google The Product Creator

Simply Google the product creator name and check the results. If you don’t find anything other than review sites than it is actually not good. You want to find an official site of the creator, a facebook profile, a twitter profile or any other site that is official. The reason is simple. If someone is using his real name and has official sites than it is slightly less likely that he will be selling crappy products.

Search The Product In The WarriorForum

This little step has saved me many times and I am sure it will do the same for you. Just go to the WarriorForum and run a search for the product name and read the reviews of other warriors. You will get all the information you need. In order to be able to search the forum you will need to register which is something I strongly recommend you do as the WarriorForum is the number one forum when it comes to internet marketing.

Do not skip this step as I guarantee it will save you time and money and it only takes a few seconds.

Learn From Your Mistakes

We are all human beings and we all make mistakes. There is no escape as non of us is perfect. The important thing is to learn from the mistakes we make so that we will not make the same mistake over and over again.

Here are just two steps you should consider taking after making a mistake and buying a bad product.


What I normally do after having a bad experiment with a product is to opt-out of the mailing list of the product creator and from any internet marketer that promoted that product to me.

By doing this I am making sure to stay only of those email lists that actually care about me and provide valuable information. If you stay on an email list of internet marketer than promotes these type of products you are just setting your self up for more mistakes.


Share you thoughts about the product. Simply go to the WarriorForum and let people know what you think about the product. Help others avoid making the same mistake.

I strongly believe in the saying: “one for all and all for one”. This is the only way we can all succeed, by caring and helping each other.


The sad truth is that the internet marketing niche and the make money online niche are filled with newbie trap products that deliver nothing and cause many newbies to waste money and time.

The good thing is that you can and should be able to identify these type of products and save yourself from making mistakes. The steps I mentioned are the ones I know of and that worked for me when I got started.

If you think I missed something and you have other steps that can be taken than please share them with us by commenting below. After all, we are all here to help each other.

To your success (and mine :)),

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