Famous Bloggers

Really… What is MMO Social Networking and Bookmark site?


Making Money Online niche is not easy, and it even became harder than ever, and to make money from the internet you probably will need to work really hard for a year or so before you start making a good amount of cash, and to make easier for you to find making money related topics, we have created the right place for your to add and find all tips, trick and updates all together, we have created MMO Social network and bookmark site specially for that reason, so let’s spot the light on some important things about it.

Most of people still don’t get it

I want to mention a very nice effort by Shkhanal, he did a very good MMO Social Network review which explained the exact reason why I created this site, it’s a very unique bookmark site where you can share and promote your making money related links, so Shkhanal got my attention when he talked about an interesting point, which is most of people don’t know if their articles won’t suite submitting it to MMO social network because of the name of the site that makes you feel it’s only for money making topics, so you just prefer not to participate in the party 😉

So I am saying it again, MMO social network is a social bookmark site for money making related topics, it’s the right place to find all information you need to start making money from the internet, and when we talk about Money Making we are absolutely talking about ways of making money and other related activities like:

All these above -and more- are so related to making money online niche, don’t your agree?

Why I should join MMO Social Network?

I am recommend participate now to MMO social bookmark site and get your articles published, I am working to enhance the site’s system, and give more POWER to the active members, extra features and ideas to grow the site, and here what you will get:

More Tweets and Retweets

I usually retweet all links through different Twitter accounts (@MMOnetwork, @FamousBloggers and my personal Twitter account @hishaman), and I am retweeting both, your submission link and the original article, so.. follow me on these accounts and start connecting with me and see the respond by yourself when you submit a link to the site, it’s my own way to connect better with members.

Get Mentioned on Famous Bloggers roundups

From time to time, I am publishing roundups which links to the original submitted article, and spread them as much as I can everywhere on the internet in a try to drive more traffic to your blog and giving you some link Luv between a good company of articles, see this example where I published the Best Marketing and SEO articles from the network and the Top SEO and Marketing Tips, so you are really missing this promotion while you are still thinking to submit or not to submit your links.

And… Yes! I know that I need to develop this roundups more, and probably do more roundups on weekly basis, and this is what I am going to do!

Learn how to Generate unique content

It’s 100% DoFollow site, every link is a DoFollow link, and this means you will get PR (link) juice from your submitted pages in case it got a PageRank, so try to be smart when you submit your links, do some simple SEO by editing your title and description, learn how to generate unique content from your single article, try to use this site by being creative, don’t copy and past!

Make some Money from your Links

As an extra feature, you should know that MMO Social Network is having a share revenue system, all members can add their Google AdSense publisher id and earn %100 or the revenue generated when someone clicks on the ads, this means your submitted pages has your own ads, it’s not mine and I don’t earn anything from it, but you should know that I earn only from the main page and my own submitted links pages, and that means also you should try to drive traffic to your submitted pages to increase the chance that someone click on your ads, treat it like if it’s your own stuff, we have talked about why you should socially promote articles you comment on, so why not promote your own stuff on MMO network?

There is more still.. and much more is on the way…

There is much more to learn about MMO social network, so if you are seeking extra information for better understanding why don’t you read the 11 things you should know about MMO Social Network? Or just visit directly the MMO social network FAQ page?

Share your thoughts

Tell me that you like it, tell me that you hate it, tell me something that you want to see… or tell me something I am missing!

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