Famous Bloggers

Blogging is like Driving a Vehicle!

Driving A Vehicle

Have you considered comparing blogging and driving ? Yes, Blogging is a lot like driving, and I will tell you how.

Blogging and Driving

There are a lot of elements in driving, such as the steering wheel, acceleration pedal, brakes, clutch etc. Likewise, in blogging we have perseverance, dedication (passion), patience and, of course, actual blogging (creating ideas, writing uniquely, promoting and networking diligently). In Driving, we control the car using the Steering wheel. We have a steering wheel in blogging, too.

3 P’s of Blogging – Perseverance, Passion and Patience

Perseverance is about not giving up. As a blogger, you should be determined. You should try as hard as you can. If you can’t win it, then you know one thing  You need to try harder. Everything in this world is easy, once you work hard. No one can beat you if you try hard. But you have to have perseverance. Dedication is the next element. Are you dedicated to your niche ?

A dedicated blogger works hard to maintain and gain traffic. A dedicated blogger is the one who ends up being one of the “most popular bloggers.” Dedicated bloggers are dedicated in providing their users with new content. They are dedicated and faithful to their visitors. The third element is patience.

In blogging, you need a lot of patience. These three together form our steering wheel. In the case of blogging wheel, we have a synergistic interaction – The three elements work together (the whole as an interaction is greater than the sum of all 3 individual elements).  If one is missing, then the whole thing will be out of sync.

How does a steering wheel help with driving? The steering wheel allows you to steer in the right direction, right ? Likewise, the blogging steering wheel will steer you down the path of blogging success.

Accelerate Your Vehicle – Speed !

Just like the steering wheel, the acceleration and brakes are important. Let me tell you about the acceleration. Acceleration allows you to drive. Without acceleration, your vehicle won’t move.

In blogging, content creation, promotion and networking form the acceleration. They allow you to move down the path of success. The speed of this acceleration depends on “working hard” – whether it is creating unique content, promoting it, or networking (engaging with your fellow bloggers).

But be careful, too much acceleration can be dangerous. I mean, if you drive above the speed limit, chances of accident increases. Likewise in blogging, if you put too much effort on one little thing, it’s going to cause an accident. If you spend too much time on creating content and too little time on other elements, it’s going to affect your acceleration.

The appropriate ratio of work for acceleration is 2:1:2. What does acceleration do to your vehicle ? It allows you to drive faster, and to reach your destination faster, right? Likewise, in blogging, Content creation, promotion and networking allow your blog to move toward its destination.

Pour In Some Fuel!

And now, the most important element of  your vehicle – FUEL ! Yes, you need fuel to drive the vehicle, right? So, what element can be a fuel to your blogging vehicle? Any guesses? Let me tell you – Time Investment.

Your blogging vehicle will only move if you invest time in it (this is the reason why I wrote ratios above). If you invest a good deal of time in your blog, you will be moving in the right direction.

Let me tell you what my last guest post at Famous blogger taught me (“Old is Gold But in Blogging New is Diamond“). It was a controversial issue, but the title was not good enough to attract much traffic. I was little sad at first (I was thinking, “If only if I had really thought about the title”),  but then I realized that the experience was good. Why? Because that failure was a new lesson to me.

If you spend little time on any of these important elements, is going to affect your blogging vehicle.

So start working and invest some time in every element of blogging.

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