Famous Bloggers

3 Deadly Twitter Sins To Avoid

Deadly Twitter Sins

Twitter is great tool for businesses, that’s something that can’t be disputed. But only when it’s used correctly. With such public exposure, businesses on Twitter can fall foul to criticism and a bad online reputation.

The tips below can help guide you so Twitter becomes less of  a minefield and you and your businesses reputation can survive unwounded.

1- Never Spam

2- Never Become Lazy

3- Never Misuse Features

Direct Messages

Here is a quick list of examples to create the perfect DM:

Keyword Searches

Key Take Away

The key thing to remember about Twitter, and all forms of social media, is that you should treat it like real life.

Be personal with your tweets, always interact and never leave a customer without a response. Most of all, be human in your tweeting, people don’t interact with robots in shops, they wont like it if they get nothing but cold, automated or template updates sent to them.

Direct Messages are hit and miss. If you use them as they are meant to be used, as brief thank you with a quick link to the most relevant business material you have to offer, then they can be used for good. If you get the format wrong, you just look like you are spamming your audience with unhelpful links.

Most importantly, always make sure you are attracting and interacting with the best audience available. Be sure you are about to follow someone who is interested in your niche, they are the ones you want on side.

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