Famous Bloggers

How To Start Your Internet Marketing Journey

Internet Marketing Journey

I’m not sure why you’ve decided to make money online, and not do what the rest of the world does – working at a normal job. But since you are here, let me share some tips on how to start your internet marketing journey.

If you are still in doubt whether making money online is real – yes, it is as real as the Sun and the Earth.

So, how should you start making money?

I’m not sure whether you are/were a gamer, but if you’ve ever played “Lineage 2”, then you will easily understand how the internet marketing world works. At first, you are born as a complete weakling who struggles to gain experience, but after numerous battles you feel more confident in yourself. Sure, you earn some coins along the way, but they aren’t nearly enough to support your “lifestyle”.

After you’ve reached a certain level, you choose a class (specialty) and then you master it till you start becoming stronger and make more coins.

Now coming back to the REAL world… to make money online you will need to learn about different ways to do that. There are so many directions (classes) that you can follow:

  1. Affiliate marketing
  2. Making money with Adsense
  3. Blogging
  4. Article marketing
  5. SEO
  6. Flipping websites
  7. Social media marketing
  8. PPC
  9. CPA marketing
  10. And others…

You Do Not Have To Master Everything

Get a book that describes each of the available methods to make money online and find one that you like the most: if you like the idea of writing – blogging or article marketing will be perfect for you; if you like building connections with people – consider learning social media marketing. But choose only 1 direction (only 1 class, if you will) and stick with it until you master it.

Sadly, no one gave me this tip when I was starting out. First, I tried network marketing (also known as MLM). I sold perfumes and deodorants to people who often said “No” to me or just laughed me out. This really broke my heart and then, after reading “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” I decided to learn stocks ( at age 18). Unsurprisingly, I quit because I was broke… and because I was a quitter.

Then, after accidentally discovering Yaro Starak’s internet marketing blog, I decided to start blogging. Did you know that my current blog “Try To Learn More” was originally about self-development? I wrote and I wrote, but no one seemed to care, and I – you guessed it – quit. And out of desperation, I even sold the blog for $55:

Luckily, the buyer didn’t do anything with my website and I just re-bought this domain after it expired.

I’ve tried almost every method to make money that is available, but because I couldn’t see anything through to the end, I never left “Square one.”

One day I decided to stick with selling websites. I bought many courses on how to tweak WordPress themes and how to write copies. To this day I’m not sure how I did it, but in a month I’ve made $1400, which at that time seemed to me like a miracle; I could actually call myself an internet marketer. That’s why I consider July 3rd to be the beginning of my IM career and I celebrate this day like it is my birthday.

Coming back the main point of this article, choose only 1 direction of Internet Marketing to follow. Stick with it till the bitter end; till you made some decent money (4-5 figure income sounds about right). I know you will feel tempted to jump from one branch of internet marketing to another, but you have to hold on. If you have a friend or a loved one, ask them to give you a kick up your behind if you even dare to give up.

Thank you for reading my article, and would love to hear your thoughts!

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