Famous Bloggers

Scribe SEO Content your Personal SEO Guru in a WordPress Plugin

Scribe SEO
Rated 4.5 stars

This is how I feel about it, this is how I could easily write SEO content with out having to spend a lot of time on researching, I don’t have to go anywhere, it’s all in my WordPress dashboard, I mean imagine… I have my personal SEO guru inside my WordPress dashboard,why then I have to pay anyone for SEO advise?!

I have offered to our guest bloggers Scribe SEO features on our blog because we have much more monthly evaluations that we really need, it’s a good chance while writing for our blog is to try ScribeSEO live with no worries, I am just asking kindly not to do more than 10 evaluations for one submitted article which is more than enough, just to let others the chance to try it as well!

Now the news are hot, and Scribe has new futures, there is a new version of the plugin, also there is the exciting free one month trial which allow you to try and test Scribe for free and start writing seo content on your blog!

New: $17 Plan and New Free Trial

It’s all about community and it’s feedback, this is how decent services interact with their customer and listen to what they ask for, basically it was about the monthly subscription price, so… Scribe team added a smaller “Starter Plan”, which provides 15 monthly evaluations for only $17 a month. This allows people to start off with a smaller commitment and get used to using Scribe on a few posts or pages a month.

Free Trail and Test Drive?

Yes, you can actually register and try Scribe, give it a test drive for one month, then you can cancel it if you didn’t like it by one click if you discover it’s not for you and ask for your money back, it’s really that simple, so… what are you waiting for? Try Scribe SEO now!

Scribe SEO Content for WordPress 2.0 Version

ScribeSEO is always working behind the scenes to provide an excellent service and support, I know that because I personally contact with them, and I get their respond on the same day or maximum next day which is awesome, I knew from Brian Clark of Copyblogger that they have done a great work regarding the new version of WordPress 2.0 that will be released soon, and this is not all, they are also working to deliver Joomla and Drupal Versions, and this is really exciting for me as I can use it on my Drupal sites like the MMO Social bookmark site or my other DesignGizer.com my new design bookmark site!

So, What’s New on ScribeSEO?

There is a new plug-in for Scribe WordPress, and it’s ready for automatic upgrade, here’s what’s new:

What SEO Experts will Tell you About Scribe

A lot of bloggers just don’t get it, maybe because they are following the opinion that most SEO gurus are saying about ScribeSEO plugin, actually most of those SEO gurus will tell you that Scribe is not worth it, and they can help you out with you blog SEO with out having to spend monthly payments, however they are just trying to promote themselves and their SEO services to get your money, they will ask for huge amount of cash for just spending a less than one hour talking to you about what YOU should do to customize your content for search engines, then… they will disappear after that, and you will be alone again trying to do the work by yourself!

With Scribe it’s completely different, it will not let you down, it will be your best SEO friend, exactly like what happened with me, you know that I update this blog daily, and sometimes more than once a day, so … basically I don’t have enough time for researching and finding keywords that should work for me to customize the article YOU are submitting as a guest blogger, so I depend on ScribeSEO plugin all the way as I think of it as my SEO helper!

After using Scribe for some time, I have learned a lot about SEO, I think I can do it alone, but I can not let go Scribe plugin regarding to the niche of our blog and the type of content that we receive from our guest bloggers, I have some problems ranking higher in this high competition blogging niche, so I am trying to target keywords that is actually not driving too much traffic and make it up by updating our blog daily, which actually works very well, I have increased our blog organic search by %100 during the last month, I mean think about it it, we have a round 250 blog posts and you are receiving an average of 600 daily visits and 1000+ page views!

Have we Reached the 100.000 Page Views Yet?

This is a view of our blog stats during the last 7 months (the start of this blog)

Most of people will be amazed by this results, and a lot of bloggers will try to sell you books to teach you how to do it in a few months, but we simply do it, and I believe that our readers and bloggers knows very well how we did it, so.. basically you really don’t need to buy any book or e-book from those (awesome e-books) in the blogging niche market that tells you how to get traffic to your site by writing seo content, or how to get 100.000 page views in no time, all what you have to do is to subscribe to our new letter or our blog RSS feed, take a tour on our blog, it’s very clear how we did it, and you can see by your self and (for free) how we actually doing it!

Yes we did it successfully, we actually got more than that, so by today’s stats we have reached 130.000+ page views since we have started this blog!

To be honest, this happened not because we are using ScribeSEO to optimize our blog content and articles, but this was a result of three main sources of traffic:

Yes, these are our main sources of blog traffic, the organic search engines traffic, direct traffic, and social media and other traffic from bookmarking sites, and referrals from site who linked to our articles!

Thesis a view of our blog stats for April 2010

I already know that a few of you have done it successfully on a one year old blog because they are so addicted to blogging and really work hard like us, but what I am sure of is that not all bloggers will be able to do this achievement in a very short time!

The Decision is always Yours, so be Smart!

I actually don’t want you to buy scribe, although I recommend it for bloggers who don’t have enough experience with search engine optimization, or they don’t have enough time to optimize all their contents, even those who are doing a lot of copy writing work or running a multi-author blog like us, of course if you subscribe to ScribeSEO site today then you actually making a smart discussion, seriously I just want you to try it and start writing seo content, then tell me what you think about it, if you don’t like it, then just unsubscribe and forget about it!

Image credits: The experts

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