Famous Bloggers

How Power Community Can Change A Logo Design & Make Blogs User Friendly

logo design famous bloggers

This exciting story happen to FamousBloggers in the age of 7 months and the result was redesigning the logo of the blog, it’s a sign that our blog is going more stronger, reached a wider range of audiences and became one of the visible blogs in the marketing and business world. This post will show you how our blog visitors, readers and bloggers are incredibly active, and how they can really change things to better by giving honest feedback that we love so much.

Sometimes I think I am living and breathing feedback from the community, and when I say community I mean the internet or the whole Online Community, I have received an email from Johan who is an active and loyal member of Compiz community, this happened last week, Johan asked me in his email why I am using the logo of Compiz, and why I am stealing, I was shocked because I thought I understand what I am doing, but unfortunately I was not!

I remember that I have read the license of the icon I was using to create FamousBloggers logo: “Free for non commercial use” and it’s designed by Oliver Scholtz.

I went again to the age trying to read and understand, actually license is a matter that still confusing me, and there is a big difference between what you understand today and what you have realized 7 months latter.

After I received that email, I contacted with Martin of IconFinder immediately asking him whether if I am allowed to use that icon in my blog logo design or not, he kindly replied to me in no time telling me that I probably can NOT use it as a logo for my blog!

That was so sad, but what to do?!

I have register to the Compiz forum and posted a new post there to tell people what I did and if it’s wrong or what, but I didn’t got any reply till the moment, it seems that they don’t care or maybe they are busy with other stuff, so… anyways it’s OK!

I was Shocked

It’s actually shocking, but maybe it was expected, I don’t know! probably I don’t want to go through all the boring design work of editing and redesigning every single graphic or banner I have created using that icon since the last 7 months, it’s kind of horrible to me, especially these days, the timing is not good at all, I am so very busy working and involved here trying to manage the blog and solving problems. Well… this logo design matter is one of the problems, and it’s also a big one.. maybe it’s still small now, but it will grow one day while our blog is growing, and then bad things could happen, and maybe we will never be able to solve it!

Want to Hear How we are Making the Success?

I bet you are curious to know how we managed to increase visits to this blog from 0 to 500 and then to 1000 visits per day in 7 months, I bet you want to hear how we managed to receive all these comments and feedback from our blog visitors and readers, and what we did to receive a good number of guest posts that are published daily on FamousBloggers, I am so sorry, I can not share this with you now, this is not the topic of today! I actually like to share my mistakes more than anything, I believe it’s more important for you at the mean time to hear how we fail on doing something, and how we can turn this to another success!

Solving problems to Transform Fail into a big Success

I actually like to talk about my mistakes more than success, I am not even shy to tell you that I was a “Pendejo” when I used that icon, I was not on my mode for sure 😉

It’s the Best Time for a Unique Logo Design

We have published a few logo design reviews and articles in the last a few months, and I was holding the idea inside of me all the time, almost everyday I was thinking about getting a unique logo design for our blog, time was gaming with me, and FamousBloggers became more popular and visible, I have received a lot of comments and feedback from friends, people I know them and visitors who I never know who they are, all were telling me that they love the blog design and especially the log and the mouse over effect, and this makes me feel excited to develop this blog more and invest my time and effort on it because people like it! I know this because I receive awesome feedback all the time.

Now, it’s the very right moment for FamousBloggers to get it’s own real unique logo design

How I Reacted and Responded to Feedback?

I contacted Adel, an Egyptian pro graphic designer that probably will join our team soon, I told Adel the story and he responded to me so quickly, he designed our new logo in a few hours and he did a great work y giving it the soul of FamousBloggers exactly the way I explained to him, Adel emailed me the design, I made the changes and uploaded the files, now… you can see the new shiny stars logo!

Another Great Feedback about Categories links and Navigation

While I was contacting with Clifton Hatfield and talking together by email about his recent guest post on our blog about the 5 Out-of-Date SEO Strategies, Clifton gave me a nice feedback about the categories links that was in the footer area, he told me that when he was trying to find a list of categories he didn’t look into the footer, Clifton asked me to add a link to categories on the header or sidebar. I want to tell you that this also was in mind mind since long time back, I usually work on updating the site when ever I have a chance, so … this problem is solved and we have added a nice navigation menu to make our blog more user friendly, we also have removed the categories links from the footer because it was giving errors when validating our HTML code, and more work will be done in the future to enhance our use experience and satisfy all our blog readers, bloggers and visitors.

A Word I Must Say

Sorry Compiz community, I really didn’t know that I am doing a mistake, thank you so very much Johan for leading me to this mistake before it goes wild, big thank to you Martin for your great support and fast respond which helped me to solve the problem, thank you Adel for designing our new awesome logo that I personally like some much, thank you Clifton for encouraging us to make our site more user friendly, thank you our great blogging community for your valuable feedback that I am receiving almost everyday!

And Thank YOU to anyone who post an honest feedback and opinion about our new logo design, I really appreciate that.

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