Famous Bloggers

MMO a Great Place to Submit Bookmarks

making money online social networking and bookmarks site

When building a site, most website administrators know that on-page SEO is not the only way to build traffic. On-page SEO is a great way to get organic traffic to your site. But if you are an online marketer you need to get your brand out there. There are many ways to that and build referral traffic through off-page SEO but today we will are going to talk about one of those ways.

The easiest ways to build referral traffic is to submit your latest blog entries to social bookmarking sites. Sites such as Digg and Stumble are great but, the traffic will never be that great if you do not invest a good part of the day working on those sites building your brand and network. Believe me, I have tried and researched to find the easiest and fastest ways to do that. There is not a way. You have to put the time in to get what you want out of these sites.

For an alternative, why not try MMO Social Network. MMO is a new bookmarking community run by a good buddy of mine, Hesham. He is the creator and think tank behind this great site. Hesham’s network was created with the blogger in mind. MMO isn’t just a place a place to building wealth, the links you will find there will educate you to be a better marketer, blogger, and social media player.

Making Money Online Social Network & Bookmark site

MMO Network Benefits

Using MMO and social media have many benefits. Below is a list of benefits you can get from using MMO;

How Can I Help?

Yes I know the site is small, and their isn’t a lot of traffic from the site. But we can change that with your help? The easiest way you can help us build a better community at Make Money Online Social Network is easy. All  you need to do is;

  1. Join
  2. Participate and engage
  3. Vote
  4. Spend time on the site
  5. submit new and useful links
  6. Put a banner on your site
  7. Review the site on your blog
  8. talk about MMO on the different social networks
  9. Tweet about it
  10. Follow @MMONetwork on Twitter and RT the links

How To Submit Useful Content

So you want to submit useful content. The easiest way to do this is to use the link submission page. But some sites will have the installed MMO counter button or they have a submit image such as the image to the left. submit useful content to MMO. When you find something useful on the internet or you have a new blog entry ready to submit to MMO you can go to the MMO submission page and fill out the required fields and submit it. Remember to submit unique content. By this I mean, no one has already submitted the content before and you change the title of the link and description to make sure its unique. By doing this, you give the search engines more results to display and they do not count your blog entry as duplicate content. What this mean to a blogger is, when someone searches your keywords they should see your original content link and another link with a different title and descriptions pointing to your submission link page from MMO.

MMO Social Network submit page

Final Thoughts

MMO is one of my favorite bookmarking sites and it’s community is growing daily. Hesham spends a lot of time working on his sites and is continually working toward making MMO a better a social media network.  I try and spend on average an hour a week voting and reading newly submitted articles on the site. As the site grows I plan to spend more time on the site.

Are you using MMO yet? If not, why?

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