Famous Bloggers

Have You Noticed Google PageRank Update Today?

Google PageRank Update

Google has updated it’s PageRank today, I just noticed that while checking one of my blogs and found out that my Chrome pagerank checker says PR 3 for that blog, so I kept checking my other blogs and some other friends’ blogs to make sure that the update occurred for real, so this is a quick post to let you know and to share some thoughts, I think this update is so freaking fair, what about you?!

The most fair Google PageRank I ever seen since I’ve started blogging!

Yes, this is the most Google PageRank update I ever came across, seriously!

I don’t care that much about PageRank since a few months back, but anyways it’s cool to see a rank on my sites! I can’t hide the dumb smile I had today when I found out the a few other sites got a PR for the first time.

Why my other sites is having a PR drop?

A few sites of mine dropped, those sites were not updated often, no body cares to link to them, I don’t really bother to get backlinks to them, and to be honest, those sites don’t provide value like they used to be, so I completely understand why the drop happened.

Check your Google PageRank Now!

Here is the link to Google PageRank checker tool.

I wonder if Google will keep the update going, this is July 2011 update, so the next update should be in three months from now, the next PR update will be next October if I am right!

Have you notice any changes to your site’s PageRank? Positive or negative?

What you did to get higher Google PageRank?

Please, share your blog’s PR and let us know whither you think it’s fair or not!

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