Famous Bloggers

Guest Posting is About Relationship

Guest Posting Relationship

Some of us might submit a lot of guest articles to various sites per month or even per day. Some of us might still in progress to be a guest blogger – thinking how to be one and how to start guest posting.

If you are still guessing how to make guest posting a great asset for you and your site, you have to keep in mind that guest posting is about relationship. The term ‘relationship’ can be defined as ‘The condition or fact of being related; connection or association’ or ‘A particular type of connection existing between people related to or having dealings with each other’ (based on thefreedictionary.com)

Let’s see some important relationships in guest posting.

1. Relationship between guest writer – webmaster

This relationship is important as without the involvement of guest writer or webmaster, guest posting won’t be happen. A guest writer writes article to be published in the webmaster’s site and that’s how it works. In most cases a webmaster will choose whether to approve or reject a guest article or not. A webmaster should choose the best and suitable guest article or not – the guest article might ruin the site’s reputation. A guest writer should create a relationship with the webmaster for a long-term deal which involves both parties.

2. Relationship between webmaster – readers

Besides dealing with the guest writer, a webmaster has to deal and interact with the readers of the site. A webmaster should respond to the readers if they ask question or say any comment to the article. That’s why a webmaster should understand the guest article that he or she receive from the guest writer before approve and publish it in the site.

3. Relationship between guest writer – readers

Some guest writers might think that their job is done after submitting the article to the webmaster and make sure it had been approved and published in the particular site but they are wrong. A guest writer must feel responsible for every article that he/she submitted so a guest writer must take part in the discussion between the webmasters and the readers. Sometimes the webmaster can’t give a good answer as the guest writer might understand more than the webmaster about the content. And this is the most suitable time for the guest writer to build his/her reputation as a writer thus making the way for a bigger success in the future.

Wrap Up

I always consider about relationship in doing guest posting as ignoring any of the relationships mentioned above might give negative effects to the reputation – something which is hard to be build up again.

Some people might say that I’m talking a simple matter but I believe this is a basic thing in guest posting. And I guess this is the basic matter before we going into other discussions related to guest posting. And I’ll make this relationships as my kickstart to share any ideas or tips related to guest posting matters.

Do you have any other relationships that you consider while doing guest posting?

Please share with us!

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