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What to Do After Crashed by Google Penguin 2.1?

Almost all webmasters knows that Google use upto 200 signals to give a rank to a website, and usually Google update its algorithm at number of times every year.

Recently Google announced hummingbird and Google Penguin 2.1 update and also cleared in conference that Hummingbird is a major update since last 3 years. Now search result will become more conversational with users query but the next update is Google penguin 2.1 and this is the fifth time when Google updated penguin so it’s also known as a Fifth  penguin among webmasters.

Penguin as a killer

A few years back, Google was unable to make comparisons between low quality links and high quality links. But, now Google is better eligible to determine the quality as well as the relevant links so all low quality work creates a bed link profile for a website that is enough to start the job of penguin.

In other hand, those websites following high quality link building technique to promote their website, they often get better ranking in search engine in term of award from Google. We must understand that links were and are extremely important and will remain in search engine ranking, but bed links will surely provide a negative impact on the result as penguin 2.1 hit many spammers.

Show must go on

Rather than going with a large number of link building, it’s better to go with the technique that create few quality links. Not only a relevant link count as 100 times better link, then getting a link from a low quality website, but it also generates back itself. If you make some natural share, likes and mentions in social sites, and becomes lovable for users, then these social networking signals indicate that you are a stronger candidate to get ranking in comparison to your competitor.

Kick to old Mythology

There was a time when submitting articles in article directories were a very effective form of SEO.

Common article directory tended to allow Submitters to include a resource box with a link or links back to websites against of the content. It is still easy to find high-traffic article directories that are allowing articles in exchange for links.

Article marketing was a great way to quickly build up a large quantity of links to a website from different domains, but there were some negatives about this strategy from an SEO perspective as well. Article directories tend to be very general in nature that means it’s difficult to provide a strong signal to Google that the directory is particularly relevant to linked websites and penguin update does not recognize it.

But, content is still king for gaining links and some of trendy ways of gaining links from guests including blogs and content promotion on social sites.

Again Same Advice not Promote for Bot

Some of previous Google updates have been clear that now Google algorithm is just developing like a human being mind.

Earlier marketers make too many efforts to achieve ranking like create a landing page with huge bucks of keywords and attention or building links for targeted keywords. It’s another old way to attract search engine now users and visitors recognized page value and also Google take care of other factor before ranking a page in search engine.

Many folks also force to proved that SEO has been dead but it’s still remain and because SEO is a powerful tool to mark any website as a quality website.

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