Famous Bloggers

Do You Remember our Bloody Awesome Guest Posting Contest?

Blogging Contest Memories

I am sure you remember our Huge Guest Blogging Contest, but in case you forgot, here I am trying to refresh your memory, and also letting our new readers and blog visitors know about it in case they’ve messed such a great event, or haven’t heard about this massive contest.

I have move than one reason for publishing this post, the first reason -as I’ve mentioned above- is to remind you, the second is to remind myself 🙂 and also one very important reason is to put a few links together in one post (this post) to make it more easier to reach and track the main posts of the contest. Maybe there are more reasons.. who knows?

This is what we are going to discover together!

BI have to mention one of the most interesting things about our guest posting contest was the soul of competition, all participants were supporting each other in a fantastic way, this is why I am wondering if we going to have same spirit of we organizes another one?

Good Memories!

I remember the first contact between Andy Bailey the guy behind ComLuv and me, we had a very long discussions about the contest and it’s details, and we end up patterning on the biggest blogging contest ever! (If you know a bigger contest.. let me know!)

Memorable events!


I wrote this post to remember the old good days, well.. or maybe it’s time for another bloody awesome guest posting contest? (you decide)

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