Famous Bloggers

Why Being Famous has got Nothing to Do with Making Money from your Blog

Famous Blogger

Sure, people are constantly telling us that through blogging we can make a few hundred dollars here and there; but don’t you think there is something more than just being able to bring in a bit of cash every once in a while? You shouldn’t put emphasis on making money as being your only goal – we need to aim and aspire for something greater than this. If you only think of the cash – the only way your heading is backwards. Time to step up the pace – were going to go looking for some better goals in your blogging career.

Aren’t we just a teeny – weeny bit lost?

Sorry guys, blogging isn’t just about making money. There are heaps of other reasons why you should be blogging. You might be looking out for fame or all you want to do is build up a strong group of friends.

One of the best things I see out of blogging is that you can build up a strong following, and if you top one up that is really strong; whatever you say might have a strong enough influence to change the whole blogosphere. A single post might spark hundreds of posts on other blogs. Now that’s some serious power isn’t it?

Shouldn’t we still be aiming for something?

Never forget the importance of aiming for something – if you don’t then you’re going to burn yourself out quick and have no reason to continue.

~ Blogs are whatever we make them. Defining ‘blog’ is a fool’s errand. ~ Michael Conniff

Do what you think is the right thing to do and don’t let anyone else get in your way. Actually aim for something because you might reach somewhere if you do. As the quote suggests, don’t define “blog,” make it whatever you want it to be and achieve what you want.

Do you seriously think your going somewhere?

Sure we all aim to make money through blogging, but does that really achieve anything. Being famous has got nothing to do with making money from your blog. Why the hell then would someone be happy with earning 50,000 dollars through blogging when they can make more money out of sitting at a desk, working for someone else? There has got to be more than all this, doesn’t there?

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