Famous Bloggers

WPHypnoLinks Review : Google Penguin Proof Affiliate Links

Rated 5 stars

I’ve got a chance to test out the new WPHypnoLinks plugin that was created by Andy Bailey of the popular commentluv plugin. It’s a little smart plugin for WordPress that allows you to link automatically to your affiliate links globally in your content.

The way this plugin works is probably the smartest way to linkfy affiliate links that I’ve ever seen so far. That’s because the plugin is safe and penguin proof. How?

Continue reading my WPHypnoLinks review to get to know this awesome plugin.

The WPHypnoLinks plugin allow you to add safe affiliate links on any post on your blog via its settings page, these affiliate links are safe because they don’t get indexed by search engines, actually search engines won’t know they are even exists!

Google Penguin Proof

I’ve been trying to avoid using automation especially in affiliate links for several reasons, I didn’t want to hurt my blog or get a hit by Google, and also I hate to overload on my server more than I already do!

The good news is with this WPHypnoLinks plugin you wont have to worry about being penalized by Google for having too many affiliate links on your blog posts  because WPHypnoLinks adds the links after the user view your page. Links do not even appear in the source of the page when search engines index them!

This is not all!

This plugin is extremely fast, and has a cache system that do not overload your server, that’s how it’s different that other plugins. To me, this feature it quite enough to make me use this plugin on my blog, so I am going to install it on after I am done with some small blog design changes I am working on.

Try it for free Today!

This plugin has a punch of awesome features, you got to see them, and give it a try!

You can try the WPHypnoLinks right now and see how it works…

TRY if for FREE!

Special Launch Price

You can purchase the WPHypnoLinks plugin now and enjoy a 50% discount! So, don’t miss this chance!

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