Famous Bloggers

New Scribe SEO Content Keyword Search and Link Building Tools

SEO Content

If you are using Scribe SEO content plugin, then probably you knew about the new version, I saw it today in my WordPress dashboard, and I have upgraded already to the latest version of Scribe WordPress plugin, I have notice two additions to the plugin, the first is the new Scribe keyword search tool and the second is the Scribe link building tool, it’s super cool to have these two new SEO tools inside your WordPress admin area, now I can even do more search engines optimization for my new posts without leaving my WordPress editor page.

This is great because I have to edit, optimize  and publish blog posts everyday, and while these SEO tools are between my hands, I really don’t waste time by jumping from here to there to do my researches. This is actually my first post I optimized based on the new tools, and I must say that I am so comfort with it.

Upgrade your Scribe SEO content plugin NOW! version 3.0

Scribe web content

Of course there is the awesome Scribe SEO web based version that you can use to customize any of your content. Let’s say that you do a lot of guest posting, using Scribe web content version allows you to customize your guest posts for search engines before submitting it to your host blog, It’s even working with the three main and most popular CMSs platforms, WordPress, Drupal and Joomla, I could use it on the MMO Social Network site as it’s a Drupal site, but probably I don’t need that because I don’t really blog there.

Scribe SEO plugin, what’s new?

There is two additions to Scribe SEO plugin, Scribe keyword search tool and Scribe link building tools that I am sharing with you today.

Scribe keyword search tool

The new release of Scribe SEO content has a new Keywords search tool, I notice that I have 700 evaluations, pretty cool. This keywords search tool gives you keywords ideas from inside your WordPress admin page, all what you need to do is to add your primary keyword and discover new keywords ideas by hitting the get keywords ideas button. You can see your keywords ideas including the annual search volume for each particular keyword.

Get Copy of Scribe SEO content plugin NOW! version 3.0

I have done one evaluation to try the new keywords ideas tool, and as you can see in the example below, I used “SEO content” as my keyword and the results reflect new keyword ideas including it’s annual search volume to help me decide which one to go for and use on my article.

Scribe link building tool

I do a lot of internal and external links inside my posts, but where I get relevant external links, the new Scribe version 3.0 has a very nice clean and easy way to build your internal, external links and even social media like Twitter.

It’s important to analyze your content before you start building your links, although this tool dose not tell you where to add links in your article, but at least you will get relevant links that help you to introduce your content in a better and build relationship on social media, E.G on Twitter, and this is exactly what I did today, I have found some awesome Twitter users to follow and connect with, they are interested in same topic I am writing about right now, it’s amazing, I really can not explain it well, and you MUST try it out by yourself.

Get Scribe SEO content plugin NOW! version 3.0

Why I like Scribe SEO WP plugin?

What I like about Scribe SEO content plugin is the ability to learn search engine optimization, it’s really helping me to learn SEO, and it’s a huge time save.

Want to Create Compelling Content?

Cool, grab this free report, it will teach you how to create compelling content that ranks well in search engines, and yes it’s free, you don’t even have to register, subscribe or anything from that, so go a head and get your copy now, and enjoy your new SEO adventures.

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