Famous Bloggers

Meet The Traffic Generation Contest Judges Team

Blogging Contest Judges Team

It has been a crazy week here! Today, I was working on getting the results from our Judging team, and we’ve finally got all the results from 6 independent judges (they are not part of sponsoring or organizing the traffic generation blogging contest), and before we pronounce the winners, we would like to mention the Judging Team.

The Judges have told me they found interesting traffic generation resources in the contest entries. Two of them actually shared these interesting articles on their blogs, along with their views and thoughts about it. Alex Whalley published The Jury’s Still Out on Traffic Generation, and Ingrid Abboud published her Traffic Generation Showdown. It was really nice of them to share their thoughts about the entries.

Who are the Judges?


Alex Whalley


Alex Whalley is the owner and founder of Build | Rank | Profit: The no. 1 Resource for anyone looking to build a fulltime income with niche sites and affiliate marketing. He is also the Principle SEO Consultant at BuRP! Consulting, a Search Engine Marketing Company offering link building packages from as little as $170 a month! Connect with Alex at the official Build Rank Profit Blog and learn EXACTLY how to make money with Affiliate niche sites today!

Mark Bell


Mark is a research engineer by profession, with a passion for helping people succeed. He is a self-taught web developer. At his personal website, Mark blogs openly about his efforts to realize the “internet lifestyle”.

Ingrid Abboud


Ingrid Abboud aka ‘Griddy’ is a whole lot of things with a ridiculous number of interests. For one, she’s a Social Media enthusiast with a tremendous passion for writing and blogging. She’s also a pretty cool copywriter but a more serious MarCom Consultant. Most of all, She’s also the proud owner and driving force behind nittyGriddy.com – A Kinda Social Media Journal with Net News & more.

Marlee Ward


Marlee Ward is an online business and marketing strategist on a mission to help you unlock the entrepreneur within. Covering topics like online entrepreneurship, marketing, and personal development, Marlee helps new entrepreneurs create online businesses based on their “sweet spot” at Metamorphoself.

Jerry Thor


Jerry speaks on topics such as social media in higher education, community outreach, developing personal brands, leading productivity practices, and much more. While he earns a living online, Jerry also has experience consulting with Fortune 100 and government agencies on commanding attention and creating engagement with college students. With College Mentor, Jerry seeks to empower student leaders to make the most of their college years.

Benjamin Lang

@entrepreneurpro – Facebook

17 year old founder of EpicLaunch.com and co-founder of MySchoolHelp.com. His entrepreneurial journey began at age 14, when he started his own eBay business which immediately received media attention and was featured on Channel 12.


I really would like to show my appreciation to the team for their time and effort, I know this wasn’t an easy job! Many thanks to everyone!

We will pronounce the winners in the coming 24 hours, probably we will publish it at comluv.com, so stay tuned everybody, and good luck!



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