Famous Bloggers

Introducing a New Generation of Multi Blogs Advertising System

Multi Blog Advertising

Everyday, there are new ideas generated inside our new Famous Bloggers Club and private community, I didn’t have the chance to mention the club before, maybe because we are deeply involved working on some incredible and amazing ideas has been generated recently like the one I am sharing with you today, I am going to introduce the (MBA) multi-blogs advertising group as a new way for selling 125×125 ads just by making one time payment. so.. basically this post is for both bloggers (publishers) and advertisers (business owners), so I hope that bloggers find it interesting and can help them out to find some inspiration while running their blogs, and for advertisers because we are pronouncing a new advertising package that saves their time and increase the visibility of their brands.

How is FamousBloggers.net Ads performance!

Look at FamousBloggers.net, great content, a lot of bloody activities running on the blog, and we are able to sell more advertising spots directly or through some advertising services because the amount of targeted traffic we are getting, so… we are witnessing great performance for our ads during the last 5 months or so. Our sidebar can tell about that, and here is some stats of our blog that speaks:

You can see that I have no problem with sharing information about FB blog because this is what advertisers are looking for!

More information = More ads sold!

This is what you should do when you want to sell more ad spots on your blog, you should tell advertisers about your site stats, and make this kind of information easier to be found by them in case someone is searching for it!

So, that was my stats before hearing the brilliant idea of my partner DiTesco of IBlogZone.com which leaded to create another dimension of blog advertising for our blogs as a group!

So.. instead of these stats you are seeing above, now everything changes to even better, and I am able to promote my self to a higher level of advertisers, and let me explain how!

Why working together is better?!

As I said before in several occasions, blogging is not a single player game, and the benefits of working together in a group is extremely huge, and this is what we all have to do, we don’t need to compete with each other, we need to unite our forces and create blogging alliances that makes sense!

Probably now you have got the idea, and yes.. we are a group of five high authority websites that are selling an 125×125 advertising package together, and we have combined all our blog traffic and performance together in this advertising package, so instead of advertising my blog with it’s stats, I now have a huge deal for advertisers.

5 Powerful Blog in the MBA Advertising package?

MBA Group

As you can see, it’s all familiar sites from our community, my partners and FB blog team members, all blogs has authority in the blogging world and listed by major sites in several categories, mostly Business, Marketing, SEO, Social Media and Making Money Online niches! so I am able now to introduce our advertising package stats as the following:

– Present in all major social networks.
– Over 50K Twitter followers
– Over 150K Unique Vistors per month
– Alexa Rank of 60K and below
– Overall Bing Domain Score of 5/5
– Over 20K Total Number Of RSS Subcribers
– Over 1.5 million Domain Back Links

And this is just the beginning, all these stats will grow in the near future as there is a lot of hard work going on each of our sites, and there are tons of enhancements and development we are working on recently and looking forward to see the results soon!

Our ads pricing?!

It’s not even expensive than regular 125×125 ads prices in the market, we have studied the whole thing before setting our ads prices to make sure it will satisfy our advertisers and meet their budgets, and this is why we have more than one advertising plan, we are even giving a $$% big discount because we have just stared to rock! you can check more information about our ad prices Click Here.

How we make it easy for Advertisers?

If you have a new service or a product, so basically you will be looking now for the right place to display your ads on! and this is exactly what we have done, we have united our site’s power to give an excellent advertising package, and also save you time by making only one payment! yes.. it’s only one decision, one payment… and you will get your ads to show on 5 powerful blogs at once!

Now you don’t really need to look around, just contact us and let us take care of your advertising campaign!

For all Blogger in our community

I know that most of you are active bloggers, and we have witnessed success together, but we are looking to expand our community and work with you all more in the future.

We are creating a community for active bloggers at our Famous Blogger Club where bloggers can “work together” for real, so basically it’s not a place to share ideas only, it’s more like a workshop to me,  we collect ideas from allover the community to make them happen, not just to talk or wast our time!! So.. I will be sharing more info about the club with you as soon as I can, and till that time if you have a good idea that you think we can partner on it together, then don’t hesitate to contact me and let me know about it! maybe we can work it out!

Although, this is another invitation to work with us, it’s a recommendation and a reminder to you all to start working with the right group and partner together with your friends and fellows as we believe that it’s really hard to succeed alone in this life!!

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