Famous Bloggers

How Can Guest Posts Benefit Guest Authors?

Guest Post

In the blogosphere, writing “Guest Posts” seems like a really hot topic these days. Why shouldn’t it be? After all, it brings tons of advantages to both the guest author and the blog owner.

Frankly speaking, we can’t discuss all the benefits of Guest Posts in a short blog post. Hesham has a valuable resource on FamousBloggers already that covers this topic as lots of authors have written on this subject here. So, what I am going to do is, based on experience, I will share some great advantages that guest posts can bring to you if you write as a guest author.

Guest Posts Help You Build Your Credibility:

Whether you own a blog or business website, you need to build your credibility to attract people. A site that looks like an empty cage (in terms of activity) can never bring visitors back to the site. Guest posts help you get your words out and let people know that you are alive and active. Giving a human touch (to your business website actually) is extremely important if you want to build your credibility. Don’t hide behind words and design, be transparent and build your credibility… of course, with guest posts.

Guest Posts Help You Meet New People:

So, you are alone and lonely on your blog. Guest posts help you end that. By getting your post published on an established blog, you get a chance to meet new people and create new connections. You will be able to meet wonderful people and create nice and helpful friends, seriously. I have learned that serious bloggers are very helpful people. Famous Bloggers is an example that how it’s helping new bloggers establish their own blogs effectively and successfully.

Guest Posts Help You Make Your Blog Alive:

Now, this is something really awesome. When you publish guest posts, you get to bring lots of traffic to your blog as well. Yes, you get to make your blog LIVELY too. With quality content on your blog, you will be able to bring them back to your blog again and again. Hence, guest posts allow you to get a new stream of traffic. I tell you, very valuable traffic.

Guest Posts Help You Interact After You Meet New People:

One of the best advantages of guest posting is that you get to actually communicate with people. This is just… awesome, seriously! It’s an excellent way of increasing your network of friends. Hesham pays a lot of attention to this and I have learned that it is good for guest bloggers because they also get to connect with more people by replying to their comments. What a great way of building a community of great friends! Check out the comment folder on Famous Bloggers to explore this subject in great detail.

There are definitely tons of other benefits too that guest authors must have experienced. Why not share your experience with us? If you have written a guest post – how did it benefit you?

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