Famous Bloggers

7 Solid Points On Guest Posting Over Blog Commenting

Guest Posting VS Blog Commenting

For past few weeks back I have stop commenting on other blogs. I have made a rule for me if I found post deserve a comment and need sharing then only I go for that.I consider guest posting is far better then blog commenting. I am not against blog commenting as many blogger have build a brand using it and develop relation among each other. Even I also participated in it with full heart. The blog commenting also needs a techniques while doing it but now I am going to share points which will reveal why guest blogging is much better then blog commenting.

1. High Traffic:

So tell me, what do you think which will give you more traffic to your blog..

Guest Posting Or Blog Commenting?

I guess the answer will be guest posting only and it is. The traffic which you will get from guest posting is no where near blog commenting. I have got 100 of visits from 1 guest post when I did it in the beginning while getting maximum 5-10 visits from blog commenting which is no way near guest blogging traffic. So you have to focus more on it as everybody wants traffic to his/her blog.

2. Build Better Relation:

So again tell me, what do you think which will build better relation with blogger and readers “Guest Blogging Or Blog Commenting?” The answer again will be guest posting.It is a fac,t if you guest post you get link with all the readers of blog including blog owner but if you do commenting then you got only link up with post owner only. I have found guest blogging builds better relation as compared to blog commenting. This will increase your sharing area.

3. Easily Become Top Commentator:

If you are riding yourself in the race of top commentator of blog then guest posting will make it easier for you. Not easier better to say easiest.When you guest post it is most likely you will receive comments and you will reply them all. This comments will automatically will make you at the top commentator list. This is the most easiest way to look yourself into top commenting list on any blog.

4. Readers Will Know You Better:

So once more tell me, what do you think readers will know you better through blog commenting or guest posting? The answer is again guest posting. Nobody can judge you well by seeing your comments but can know you better by seeing your post. It is also very hard for people to have an eye on your comment while guest pasting makes it so easier. So if you are really serious on creating better relation with blogger and readers then go for guest posting instead of blog commenting.

5. Increase Your Network:

I have seen FamousBlogger growing rapidly while other blog takes years to do this. The only difference is the networking done on this blog is best. Different bloggers find this as one of the best place to connect and share post. Guest blogging is much better way to widens your network as compared to blog commenting. I hope now you will also start guest blogging.

6. Increase Your Subscriber:

Blog commeting will help you in giving more subscriber. To be frank I have got 50 – 100 visits from 1 guest post out of which I have got 5 – 10 subscriber as I know if someone visit my blog then for sure he/she will like the helpful content.Content is king for sure on which you need to work first but marketing is queen which you can’t miss. Actually what I want to say you need to focus on both and do something that will increase your subscriber. Guest posting is one of the strongest tool as compared to blog commenting that will help you a lot.

7. Build Better Brand:

I have seen one blogger Onibalusi Bamidele growing rapidly mainly because of guest posting. His post related to niche can be seen all over blog. Guest posting is main reason through which he has build his brand, growth rapidly while other bloggers take years to reach same level. So guest posting is the really important as compared to blog commenting which you need to start right from now if you haven’t started.

My Message:

To those who hasn’t started guest posting, start it now for better exposure for your blog. I just wants to say focus more on guest posting as compared to blog commenting.

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