Famous Bloggers

Commenting to Grow Your Blog

Grow Your Blog

Comments are very important to bloggers. It doesn’t matter if you are giving them or receiving them!

Ever noticed that you don’t get comments on your posts? Let me tell you why…

#1 – you don’t respond to the ones you do get


#2 – you are not commenting on others.

Remember our Rule of Five?

The first set of Blogging Basics posts told us to set aside a time to respond to comments and to leave comments. Today I am going to go a bit further.

Responding to Comments: When I respond to a comment on my website, an email goes to them letting them know that I responded. That kills two birds with one stone. Plus, it usually sparks a bit more conversation! I use Word Press and have added the following Plug In: Comment Email Responder. You should be able to find it for a Blogger version by simply doing a Google search “Comment Email Responder for Blogger.”

Leaving Comments: Do you follow bloggers that are in your niche? Do you check in often? Are you clicking over to leave comments to show your support? I learned the most useful information the other day to find blogs with Comment Luv Enabled (which, BTW I use Comment Luv).

1. What is Comment Luv? It allows users to leave a link back to their last blog post! So, readers of my blog may be interested enough to click it from your comment AND you get a link out there!

2. So, how do I find blogs that interest me but also help me by supplying Comment Luv? Go to Google and do a search that looks like this (remember to replace the ****** with your search term. EX. I did one for organizing, one for homeschooling, and one for giveaways.)

****** Title=”CommentLuv Enabled”

Keep quotes and all! Happy searching and commenting. Just think, if you leave 1 comment a day you will be increasing your links in by 30 each month, just by doing that!

This post is part of our amazing Blogging Contest, plz add a comment and tweet it to support the author.

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