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What Do You Think of Google Music?

Google Music

It looks that Google is not content with dominating the search industry and rivaling Facebook with Plus; now they want to take the Internet music scene by storm and compete against Apple and Amazon with their release of Google Music.

Discover, buy and share music – 24/7, from your computer or mobile device. It is Google’s motto. Google Music is an online song streaming service and digital music store with up to 13 million tracks, available to the US public for the moment.

Google Music Signup Process

Browse @ music.google.com with your Google account (e.g. Gmail, YouTube, etc) and jump in. You will need to enter your credit card details for free track download or song purchase.

[box type=”note”]Watch out for the license agreement, you need to have rights to upload a song, or Google will close your account.[/box]

Google Music Features and Advantages

Google already closed deals with major labels and studios, including Universal, Sony and EMI.

Rolling Stones, Coldplay and other popular artists like Shakira and Busta Rhymes plan to offer live concerts, new albums and fresh interviews exclusively for the Android platform – through Google Music.


Google Music Cons

The Question is…

What do you think about Google Music?

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