Famous Bloggers

6 Ways to Make Money from Your Blog

Make Money from Your Blog

Just a decade ago, blogs were created as a way to release creativity and to share your ideas with others. While much of the content was valuable, few people dreamed that they could make money by sharing their ideas. Today, there are thousands of blogs out there, and some writers are working off of their websites part-time or even full-time.

Before you get started, consider the top six ways you can possibly make money from your blog.

Choose a Professional Venue

Nothing screams amateur more than a subpar website. At the same time, you don’t want to shell out thousands of dollars to a web designer. This is especially the case if you are just starting out and haven’t made any money off of your blog yet. By choosing a professional website builder, you can rest assured that you will have the templates to enhance your quality content.

Choose Automatic Traffic

Another perk to choosing a website builder is that the venue can automatically help increase traffic to your blog. These companies already have relationships with internet marketers, so they can help create ways to enhance traffic to your site based on keywords and your overall content.

Allow Ad Spots

Ads are another primary method of making money with a blog. By featuring national ads on your blog, you can earn some cash every time a reader views the company’s products or services. While the percentage might be minimal at first, the earnings can add up as your blog and web traffic grows.

Solicit Local Ads

If you have a more specific niche, you might consider soliciting local businesses to advertise on your blog. Generally, this method is utilized by more seasoned bloggers because local businesses are more interested in spending money on more established online publications. By keeping your content fresh and relevant, you can create a sizeable portfolio that will eventually convince businesses to advertise on your blog.


Another money-making method is to allow affiliate links on your blog. For example, if there are books relevant to your niche, you can work with the publisher to create an affiliate link on your website. Every time one of your readers purchases the book, you get a percentage of the cut.

Your Own Goods

Are you the author of a book or an e-book? Do you craft your own goods? Then by all means, add these links to your website!

You will find that both your blog traffic and other business ventures grow stronger when they are connected together in this way.

It takes time to make a web presence with your blog, and this isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme by any means. However, with a little bit of time and perseverance, it is possible to make a part-time income off of your quality blog. All you have to do is learn how to match the right money-making opportunities with the great content you write.

Photo Credit: Svilen Milev

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