Famous Bloggers

Famous Bloggers: It’s the time to update your blog to WordPress 2.8.6

Great news everybody, and to all bloggers who are using the great Wodpress blogging platform,  it’s the time to upgrade to WordPress 2.8.6, I got some information from WordPress website, they said that the upgrading to the new version fixes two security problems that can be exploited by registered, logged in users who have posting privileges.  If you have untrusted authors on your blog and this is exactly what Famous Bloggers blog need as it’s a corporation blog.

So, I am inviting you all to upgrade now, it’s the time to get the update to your blog by simple automatic upgrade. Famous Bloggers blog has just upgraded to the new version with no problems at all.

Plz tell us if you have any problem regarding this new version. We wish you Good luck and happy blogging time.

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