No matter what type of business you operate, having an online presence is vital to your company. Having your own company website is very important, but if you have built it yourself, then chances are you have made some common mistakes. These days creating a website is easier than ever, but there are still some issues that can come up if you are not a professional designer.
If you are like most of us that rely on our websites to drive traffic, then you need your site to work well. One way to help ensure website success is by avoiding common pitfalls.
I frequently write for HostGator, which provides web hosting for small businesses all over the world. Having supported a global consumer base for nearly 15 years, their support team has helped beginner website owners recognize and fix many website mistakes.
So if you’re looking to start a new website, they advise you avoid the following ten most common beginner web design mistakes:
1. You Have A Bad Logo
If you are not a logo designer, it’s probably best to spend a little extra money and have one professionally designed. Your logo represents your company so you always want to look your best. A bad looking logo, on the other hand, can turn people away from your website and not do business with you.
2. You Try to Follow the Trends
Just like everything in life, website trends come and go. When you build a website around these new trends, there is a good chance that it will be out of date within a short matter of time. Instead, build your website around a simple solid foundation that will stand the test of time.
3. You Don’t Provide a Call to Action
If you are going to be selling something or offering a service, you will need to place a call to action at the end of your articles. This will drive people into action thus giving you a profit. Even if you’re not trying to sell something, you need to lead your visitors somewhere and a call to action is a great way to do so.
4. You Jumped into the Market Too Quickly
One huge mistake that many new website designers make is rushing into the market before doing the proper research. You really have to know your target market before you start to build your website. Once you have your target market in mind, you can then make a website designed around them. This will better your chances of reaching them and it will increase your potential leads.
5. You Depend on Old Content
When starting a website, you never want to make the mistake of building it around old and outdated content. Make sure that any content you use is 100% original and up to date. If your website has a blog, make sure to update it at least a few times a month to keep it fresh.
6. You Post Low-Quality Photos
If you are using low-quality photos on your website, 9 times out of 10 it’s going to scare away visitors. If you are trying to sell something or offer a service, having bad pictures will make people think that you are running a less than professional company. Instead, spend a little extra time finding photos that pop! Here’s a great list of websites you can get quality photos for little to no cost online.
7. You Have Broken Links
Another common mistake that people new to web design often make are broken links. If your website directs your customers to a 404 error instead of what they were looking for, it just might cost you visitors and even money.
To combat this issue, always make sure to test your pages on a regular basis to make sure everything is in proper working order.
8. You Ignore the Bigger Picture
Right from the beginning, you need to find the purpose of your website. Lacking the right vision for your site is a common mistake that many people make. Finding the right direction for your website is very important to its success.
Some directions that you might want to take include an information website, a site that focuses on being an authority in its industry or a site that sells products and generates leads. These are just a few focuses that you can take while building your website.
9. You Use the Wrong Fonts
Fonts that are too large or too small can make your website look funny and unprofessional. This is where you might want to consult a professional web designer to find out which font would be right for your particular type of website.
10. You Overcomplicate Things
Starting a website should not be a long and drawn out process. Many people who are building a new website make the mistake of overcomplicating things. Websites these days should not be flashy but rather simple and to the point. Have a crisp design that is not over complicated is the key to building an effective website.