Famous Bloggers

Thesis 2.0 Awesome and Unique Site Designs That You Should Check Out

I’ve seen amazing designs operated by the awesomeness of Thesis 2.0, and I thought it would be a good idea to put together a quick showcase and share these elegant sites with our FamousBlogger’s readers.

I must say that working with Thesis became really entertaining recently, especially after releasing the Thesis 2.1 beta. And, just for your knowledge; I am running Thesis 2.0 here on FamousBloggers since it came out, and I am loving it!

The other day, I pushed a tweet in the #ThesisWP hashtag (where you can listen to everything Thesis) hoping to get respond from those who runs great Thesis sites, and I picked by hand a few that has been shared on the stream.

If you are wondering on what criteria I based my selection, then here you go… I’ve based my selection on two things, these sites has a unique design, and all of them runs on the new Thesis 2, I hope you will like them.

Thesis 2.0 Powered Sites

Sites mentioned below with a random order, I just want to make that clear!

1) ForestHillFashion.com

The first site on my list is ForestHillFashion.com

2) JennyBlake.me

Check out the Jenny Blake‘s


3) ChristinaHannaMifsud.com

Make sure you check the internal pages too at Christina Hanna Mifsud

4) LewisHowes.com

This is the new design of Lewis Howes‘ site!

5) ReWireMe.com

Click here to check out Re-Wire Me

6) MinnesotaSmallBusiness.com

Check out the Minnesota Small Business site.

7) GetServiceLeads.com

That’s really clean site , check out Get Service Leads


8) MotherInc.org

Simple yet special site, check out Mother Inc


9) LifeNotion.co

That one is made by my fellow Alex, check out Life Notion

10) WPLeaders.com

Finally, my down to earth site, the WP Leaders.

This is it for today fox!

I hope you’ve enjoyed this showcase. If you have a great and unique Thesis design, let us see what you’ve got 🙂

Fee free to share a link in the comments, just remember that I’ve said “Unique Design“.. OK? (P.S. Spam won’t make it through, so don’t waste your time and mine).

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