Famous Bloggers

Thesis 1.7 A New Generation of Website Optimization

Thesis 1.7

Everyone using Thesis Theme probably is wondering how Thesis 1.7 will look like, and what new features will come a long with the new version of Thesis and of course Thesis developer licensed members are much more carouse about how Thesis 1.7 will help them to build powerful websites and how easy and fast their work is going to be, FamousBlogger blog is using Thesis theme by the way.

If you are a member of the DIYthemes community and using Thesis theme then probably you have received an email from Chris Pearson of DIYthemes talking a little bit about Thesis 1.7, this is the benefit of subscribing to feeds and newsletters, you always know about the good news earlier.

Chris Pearson says he will release Thesis 1.7 over the next couple of weeks, and developers will get a beta version to be able to test it, once the bugs are solved the final release of Thesis 1.7 will be available for everybody.

As well all know that Thesis 1.6 changes was much more in the theme design options, but Pearson says the coming Thesis 1.7 will bring out more technical features and enhancements, I was amazed while reading about it.

What’s new on Thesis 1.7

Let’s give a short brief about each new feature on thesis 1.7

Thesis Options Management

It’s going to be fun to setup a new and fast new Thesis blog with our having to set each one of it’s options by hand, even sharing Thesis configurations with other with is going to be much easier as you will be able to save and restore Thesis conflagrations like fonts and design settings, and I love this feature, I means imagine how easy Thesis management will be while setting up a new blog.

Thesis SEO controls and details

I am so excited to see the new control of SEO optimization, Version 1.7 is promising to give the power of control and supply details, and add (noindex, nofollow, noarchive) to your blog, and also there will be a new page in Thesis Options Panel to control over all the details of your blog, like settings of Category and Tage archiving pages. isn’t that awesome?

Thesis Headline Filter

This simple filter will allow developers to show/hide headlines for more diverse post styles on your site, here is an example (note the absence of a headline and byline): Web publishing 2010, enjoy the interview video.

Thesis Internationalization

There were some parts of thesis 1.6 need treatment, but with version 1.7 Internationalization is solved and working much better after fixing some code issues.

Conclusion: Thesis.. a Theme that teach you

Again and again I will repeat this, Thesis is great theme for me not because all the punch of options and enhancements it has, but getting my hands dirty with the code is much more fun with Thesis Theme. Thesis is a WordPress theme that teach you how to to play.

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