Famous Bloggers

Squeeze more out of AdSense by not Giving Information

Most of you bloggers are probably using Google AdSense as one of your monetization tool at your blogs. Some earn more, some earn less. I’m not gonna cover AdSense hot spots as they’ve been covered by so many posts in the blogosphere.

Just one thing that people might miss about getting more money out of AdSense: Get more clicks by not giving away what people want on your posts.

Most of us know that search engine visitors are what we should after if we want to get AdSense clicks. Social sites (like Digg, StumbleUpon, etc) visitors don’t normally click on ads no matter how many of them we put on our blog. Now search engine visitors are searching for specific information on the web and if they visit your blog, most likely they will click on an ad. HOWEVER, this condition normally applies if they haven’t found the information they are looking.

So you can be a “bad” blogger by writing a piece of the puzzle just to attract search engine visitors to come to your post and hang a big AdSense sign (ad) that says “Click here if you want to find the answer”.

OR you can be  a “good” blogger by writing everything you know on your posts (alas, this is what I do normally) and most probably earn less. One way to tackle this is to put your AdSense on top of the posts. The drawback is that you are driving your visitors away from your blog before they can “taste” your great posts. But most likely they’ll click on the ads if it’s relevant to what they are trying to look for.

So you have to choose: More money or more credibility? It’s up to you.

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