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SEO is Evolving: Trend You Need to Know About [Infographic]

SEO Trends Infographic

We live in an era where consumers use a wide range of devices including mobile to access content. Real-time social sharing is a must and if your website is not mobile optimized, then you are not keeping up with the digital trend.

Social contents are more readily indexed nowadays. This is because Google has deals in place with Facebook and Twitter already—search for a news item, and you’ll probably see a tweet or two appear in your mobile search results.

In 2016, more platforms will become more heavily indexed in the vaults available to Google and other search engines. Social posts will carry a value and a consideration similar to any independent web page, and the separation of “web” and “social media” will begin to blur even further from an SEO perspective.

Here’s an infographic from Caliber Interactive Dubai that highlights the benefits of social content and mobile optimization along with the 7 other key trends in the SEO industry that will help you up the game in the digital world.

Source: Caliber Interactive Dubai
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