Famous Bloggers

Why Bloggers Need to Learn Search Analytics

blog search analytics

Being a blogger, search analytics is something you will have to learn: people may come to your new posts from social media shares, links from your friends’ sites, etc. But it’s search traffic that will in the end will create a steady stream of targeted visits.

You may feel unwilling to actually “optimize” your pages for search traffic (even being a search marketer, I don’t care about the keywords when I blog because this somehow limits my creativity) but search analytics will give you way more than you may expect:

1. Have a constant stream of inspiration

You will be amazed at what people search to stumble at your site. This is like seeing what people ask relevant to your current blog content:

2. Pinpoint the posts that attract attention

Traffic analysis is a great way to find what most appeals to your reader:

  1. Identify pages which get most of the views and analyze how people got to them.
  2. Check those pages where people spent most time on. This is a great way to research what type of content is best to engage your readers.

Now, give them even more exposure:

How do I do that?

Now that you are convinced that you need to know the basics of traffic analytics to better interact with your audience, the natural question to follow is how to actually do that. Well, there are quite a few very details and well-outlined bloggers’ guides to search analytics; below I am listing a couple of posts that really help (both are based on Google Analytics):

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