Famous Bloggers

Why ‘RSS Submission’ is So Important

RSS Submission

Over the years, RSS has been widely used to run auto blogs, read blogs, get updates and much more. Many web developers out there still don’t submit their RSS feeds to popular submission websites.

RSS feeds contain all your blogs posts and links to each of them. Submitting them to a website that lists the feeds on its pages will rapidly increase your ranking in search engines and improve how fast your sites pages are picked up by the search engines robots.

Why does it make me more visible to robots ?

Robots basically scan a website for all its pages and content, and then it moves onto scanning all the websites linked to the website already being scanned. High PR web pages get visited on a more regular basis, thus meaning your site and all its pages would also be indexed on a more regular basis.

After developing a blog or building a website or splash page, I always look at ways to showcase every single page to the big bad search engines – I’ve found that the easiest way is to submit RSS feeds.

Sites to submit to

RSS Network – submit RSS feeds & select category

Syndic8 – submit RSS feeds

DayPop – post your RSS feed or blog

Feedster – submit your RSS feed

Rocket News – post your RSS feed

Userland – submit rss feeds

Postami – submit rss feeds

Finance Investing Feeds – Only submit finance or investment related feeds.

Security Protection Feeds – Submit only security or protection related feeds RSS feeds select appropriate category.

Realty Feeds – Submit only home related RSS feeds. Be sure to select the appropriate category.

Medical Feeds – Submit feeds related to medical care or health.

Religious Podcasts – Submit only podcasts that relate to religion, sermon or spiritual beliefs.

Sports Feeds – Submit sports related RSS feeds and podcasts.

Political Feeds – Submit political feeds and podcasts.

Government Feeds – Submit feeds ONLY from government agencies. Feeds from both Local and federal governments are accepted.

Educational Feeds – Submit feeds and podcasts related to education.

2RSS – submit rss and assign category (on bottom)

NewsMob – submit rss news feeds

RocketInfo – submit your rss content and feed

Edu RSS – harvests only feeds dealing with educational technology and related issues. All feeds are reviewed before being added to the list.

Sourceforge.net– submit News using XML

Ping-O-Matic – rss feed submissions (pings site)

Yenra – submit RSS news feed

RSS Verzeichnis – German feed submissions

4Guys from Rolla – submit feeds

ASP Index – submit RSS feeds

SourceForge – submit news feeds

Feeds4All – submit RSS feeds

Plazoo – submit RSS feeds

FeedCat – Submit RSS feeds select appropriate category

JordoMedia – suggest RSS feeds

FeedSee – Submit feeds using keyword searches.

FeedAge – Submit RSS feeds

GoldenFeed – Submit RSS feeds

RSSMicro – Submit RSS feeds

FeedFury – Submit RSS feeds

RSSMotron – Submit RSS feeds

RSSBuffet – submit an RSS feed

RSS Mountain – submit RSS

Videocast Feeds

Videocasting Station – Submit RSS feeds

Other regional Feeds

RSS Feeds.be – Beligian RSS feeds. (no obvious way to submit feeds)

RSS Nachrichten.de – German RSS feed directory

In conclusion…

Hopefully you’ll start to see a better indexing rate when you start submitting your link filled RSS feeds around the net.


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