Famous Bloggers

What’s Up Bloggers! Roundup #11 with Phil Turner

Continuing our “What’s Up Bloggers! Roundup” series, we are introducing you to Phil Turner in our feature today.

To view the list of all of the featured bloggers on Famous Bloggers, visit our Roundup Index!

As you know, the purpose of this series is to “introduce bloggers to their peers in the blogosphere and offer new opportunities to make friends, build collaborations, and get more traffic for your own blog.” Famous Bloggers Roundup #11 continues that “What’s Up, Bloggers!” series by featuring Mr. Phil Turner.

Introducing Phil Turner

Phil describes himself in this creative way: “Do you need a blog for your business, to help grow your reputation and get more attention from Google? I’m your man. Just ask. I am heavily involved in the local entrepreneur networking MeetUp scene with my own Introvert Entrepreneur Networking group.”

Suggested Advancement Idea for Bloggers

We interrupt this interview to share a few blogger tools, services, ideas, etc. with our famous bloggers. (And, if you are not famous yet, maybe one of these tools or ideas will help you get there!)

Sign up to be considered for a Famous Bloggers feature and a free interview video featuring YOU. The sign-up form is here.

Your blog or website is there to serve up content.  Even if all your content is all text, your readers are visual.  We are all visual. The look of your website is just as important as any other visual element in life.

Visual design improvement is one of the areas that can be used to improve your site to boost readership and conversions.

It’s worth getting a professionally designed logo, and make sure to specify what reaction or impression you want your visitors to have.

Phil has a suggestion for us writers/bloggers to help us in the brainstorming area. As Phil puts it, “I love Scapple from literatureandlatte.com. It gives you an infinite number of stretchable whiteboards on your computer. It works on PCs and Macs with totally freeform brainstorming and planning.” It isn’t free, but it is reasonably priced.

Also, don’t forget to take advantage of deals that our Famous Bloggers Proprietor, Hesham Zebida, brings your way, with his wonderful software!

Back to our Famous Blogger, Phil Turner…

Some of Phil Turner’s Accomplishments

In Phil’s own words, he describes his primary accomplishment in this way: “I teach people how to earn money without trying by using the Five Currencies – Time, Knowledge, Reputation, Contacts, Money. In that way, you can use your Time to grow your Knowledge. Use your Knowledge to help others, thereby growing your Reputation. As others see you helping people your Reputation grows and more people add you as a Contact. A few of your Contacts will pay you Money for jobs they ask you to do. In the past 7 years I have never once asked for work. Contacts and friends of contacts have emailed me with job offers.”

Wow – that is definitely inspiring! I recommend that we all visit Phil’s blog (linked below) to learn more about these five currencies (growing in our Knowledge).

Featured Content from Phil Turner

Phil Turner’s Aspirations (and some Inspiration!)

The current project that Phil is working on is working with a friend to set up a free entrepreneur community in Cork, Ireland. According to Phil, there will be frequent networking events in local pubs, brainstorming sessions, and training via webinars and weekend workshops (including one-on-one training).

Finding Phil Turner on the Internet and Social Networks

Wrapping Up the RoundUp/Feature

There you have it, another “episode” in our What’s Up, Bloggers! series, introducing you to bloggers you haven’t met before whose articles, research, experiments, advice, and opinions that will give you new opportunities to make friends, build collaborations, and get more traffic for your own blog. (Soon, we won’t be calling it “new” anymore!) Don’t forget to go introduce yourself to Phil, and say hello from all of us here at Famous Bloggers!

Thanks for reading (and sharing)!

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